How can I tell if my keel is loose/wobble how much play is ok? Catalina 22

May 27, 2024
Catalina 22 mk2 Salt lake
I keep my boat in a slip in the summer and driveway in winter. I leave my keel down when in slip (have heard different arguments for either way). I hadn't gotten to the boat in a couple months and when I returned found the cable broken. Dove and saw that water level had dropped and keel was on bottom. I assume the movement back and forth in slip and weight of boat caused snap. The break was right where the cable is swaged to the forked fitting. I assume work hardened and broke, or just straight up broke with strain. I am concerned that with that much shifting around my keel pin connection May have also seen some worn how do you tell if the keel has too much movement and how much movement is okay? I dove and reattached a new cable and have retracted the keel for now have not yet taken her out.