The cockpit drains, galley sink drain, head sink drain and anchor locker drain all use hose cuffs with spiral wire hose on my boat. Are these fittings original? Does your H31 use them? The guy at West Marine said the use of hose cuffs is to be discouraged because they aren't marine grade fittings and because if my boat sank as a result of one of them failing, insurance might not pay.
It didn't occur to me until later that these are all above the water line fittings with the exception of the galley. In fact the starboard cockpit drain hasn't had a hose on it for some time because I'm re-doing that area.
The problem with not using them is that I'd have to use spiral hose on hose barbs which isn't a very good seal. Also the lower end of the cockpit drains are molded into the hull and I'm definitely not going to modify those.
Please let me know. Thanks.
It didn't occur to me until later that these are all above the water line fittings with the exception of the galley. In fact the starboard cockpit drain hasn't had a hose on it for some time because I'm re-doing that area.
The problem with not using them is that I'd have to use spiral hose on hose barbs which isn't a very good seal. Also the lower end of the cockpit drains are molded into the hull and I'm definitely not going to modify those.
Please let me know. Thanks.