Hood 810 furler

Sep 4, 2007
Hunter 33.5 Elbow, Saskatchwen, Can.
I'm replacing all my standing rigging. When I moved the drum up the foil this piece fell out. As you can see it's been broken for awhile. Now can I just shorten the foil by cutting off the end that's broken? Or do I need to replace the lower foil section? Or?
The sail is short enough to take the reducing in lenght of the furler foils. Sorry about the large pictures.
cracked furler base.jpg
broken furler.jpg
Apr 5, 2009
Catalina '88 C30 tr/bs Oak Harbor, WA
Hey, where did you get those photos of my furler! Here is how mine looks after welding that piece back on ten years ago when I re-rigged my C30. I called around looking for a guy who did TIG welding on thin walled aluminum pipe.
