Holiday wishes

  • Thread starter Charlie Gruetzner -
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Charlie Gruetzner -

The other night as we were putting up our Christmas tree, which has to be taller then the mast on Angels' Grace (this is definitely my last house with a catherdral Ceiling)I started thinking about gifts. Not the ones I will be receiving or the ones that I will be giving out but to the ones I have every day. I guess with the holidays here and another year closing I tend to reflect on the past. I guess the greatest gift was the birth of my first grandchild in October. That was such an incredible experience and there is nothing like it. That aside each of us as sailors have the gift of wind and water. We have the gift of sitting in the cockpit of our boats and watching the world go by in a very special and calming way. Whether we sail on the open ocean, a bay or a lake we have the gift of star-filled skies that most people don't have the opportunity to experience. We have the gift of sensing a change in the wind before it happens, of watching the ripples on calm water to know that the breeze is coming. We also have the wonderful gift of a strong breeze as our boats heel and fly through the water. The gift of the smiles of our friends, family and guests as they step off our boat at the end of a great day on the water. We even have the gift of a cranky engine that we get going in spite of itself whether it is by skill or dumb luck. It can seem that even a bad day on the boat is a good one :) We have the gift of this site and the knowledge that we contribute and share with each other. I have learned so much from this site and that is a special gift from all of you. I want to wish each of you all the best in the coming year in hope that we remember the small gifts that we take for granted Thanks Charlie


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...

Thank you for your note and congratulations on your new grandchild. You did a great job capturing the important gifts of sailing. It's sailors like you that make sailing so special. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season Mark
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