Has anyone added wheel steering on Mac 19?

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I just bought a Mac 19 and really hate the tiller/outboard/gearshift mess. Has anyone added wheel steering like the 26x has? I'm trying to design something and would appreciate any ideas or help. I don't think there's room for a cable, but I might be able to make a pulley system work. Thanks!

Jason Roznos

wheel steering - Mac 19

Hi Mike, I've been trying to figure that one out to. There is room for a cable but by the time you get done you could buy a 26x. I sail and power with the hatch cover off. I use a tent fly if a shower comes up or just put the hatch back on. It is way to hot in Florida in the cabin with it on. If you were to make a dodger of some sort you could fabricate a wheel set up under the boom vang and mount the throttle the left of the head door. Wouldn't work sailing but powering would be nicer. Jason
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