Hard or Soft?

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PJ Walchenbach

I am interested in knowing what your opinions are regarding hard vs. soft dodgers. Right now I have neither and I am getting wet and cold. Saturday I took a big wave dead on which ended up pouring into the cockpit. I jumped up on the helm seat (while still hanging on to the wheel) and still got wet. Luck for me I had the companionway closed. After the wave passed, my boys, who were down below, peeked their heads out and with wide eyes described what it looked like to see water flowing over the top of all the hatches. If you had it to do again (assuming you have a dodger) would you choose a canvas or fiberglass dodger?

LaDonna Bubak - Planet Catalina


Personally, I think it depends on what kind of sailing you do. On a Catalina? Soft. On a boat doing a circumnavigation? Hard. My folks built a hard dodger on their Cascade & we took it to Mexico from Oregon. Even on that trip, the hard dodger was great. You could stand on it without a problem, it could take major storm beatings without so much as a wiggle but could really bump the hell out of your forehead! Soft dodgers are nice cuz they're easily removed, don't hurt if you bump into them and often have zip down windows for extra air flow. I don't have a dodger at all on my boat but if I did, I'd go with soft. LaDonna


dodger (hard/soft)

I have a 36 Catalina. I put a dodger (soft) on it 6 years ago. I have sailed on boats with hard dodgers and must say if I had it over I would have a hard dodger. When I put my main sail cover on I would be able to put weight on a hard dodger (unlike mine),while reaching over to fasten it.They do cost a little more,however the trade off of replacing canvas down the line makes the hard dodger a much better value....Good Luck Gary

Bob Robeson

hard vs soft

I have had many boats with a soft dodger and find them satisfactory. However, I would like to try a hard top with removable dodger and sides. Good luck Bob

Dale Borts

Hard Best long term

I added a hard top dodger this summer with clear zip out windows. It is called a wavestopper and has handles on top to grab hold of when boarding or coming back from fore deck. I have a Cat 36 and used the factory stainless bows. Approximate cost from Lesch Canvas out of Huron Ohio Was around $2000. So far I have been completely satisfied. Advantages 1. will never leak 2. Should never have to be replaced 3. No webbing to trip over since it is a rigid stucture. 4. gives the boat a pilothouseish look

Art Golden

I sail a C36 with a soft dodger and find that it works just fine keeping waves out of my face and rain from going down in the companionway when its open.
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