Halyard Exit Plates ??

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Sep 5, 2006
- - Sassafras River, MD
While my mast is out, I'm considering adding (5) halyard exit plates to our Kenyon mast.

How many hours should it take to locate, cut-out and mount each halyard exit?

Before I do it, I'ld like to get an idea of how many boat $$'s it will take.

Thanks !!


Jan 26, 2005
C&C 110 Bay Shore, Long Island, NY
Exit plates can cost between $7 - $32 each depending on the size. You didn't give us enough info to narrow it down. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes per location to cut the mast opening and drill and tap holes.
Sep 5, 2006
- - Sassafras River, MD
Our O'Day 37 has a 50' aluminum Kenyon mast with halyards run externally at present.

We would like to run the main, jib, and spin halyard, plus topping lift, internally from the masthead to the turning blocks at the base of the mast (i.e. straight runs). All are 1/2" lines.

Now would be a good time to do that since we replacing our mast wiring harness also.

Does this help?
Oct 2, 2006
Jboat J24 commack
Going from and external setup to and internal one would require a bunch of new stuff that somebody would have to design along with a bunch of cutting and welding


Jan 26, 2005
C&C 110 Bay Shore, Long Island, NY
Halyard Exit Plates

You can use a Schaefer Model Number: 34-46 exit plate. It's made for 1/2" diameter line. They cost $15 each. You may need to change your masthead fitting to accommodate the internal halyards. Rigrite should have that part available. (God help you if you have to deal with Rigrite) I'm still waiting for my new boom. Three months and counting. :cry:
Sep 5, 2006
- - Sassafras River, MD
The Kenyon masthead has a double set of sheeves, see attachment, one for the main halyard and one for the jib halyard, so going to internal halyards should only use 1/2 of those (4) sheeves. Yes? If that's correct, than all we should need is a halyard plate for each to run the halyards internally.

The Spin halyard and Topping lift will require a mast entrance plate nearby for those halyards to enter the mast, as you point out, along with an exit plate for each at the base of the mast.

So the (4) halyards/topping lift will require (6) mast plates to work, I believe.


Oct 2, 2006
Jboat J24 commack
I owned two Kenyon J24 masts with internal haylards and currently own a Cal 29 with external Haylards and what looks like the same setup as you have on the Oday

The orginal J24 mast had 4 internal
1 main
2 Jibs
1 spinaker

The Oday mast may be different BUT your sure cant change the Cal mast without a bunch of cutting and welding ?


Jan 15, 2011
Oday 272 Waukegan, IL, Sarasota, FL
4 sheaves at the mast head = four internal halyards. Thats the way my O'Day 272 mast is set up from the factory.

Front 2 sheaves = Jib Halyard - Internal Spinnaker halyard
Rear 2 sheaves = Main Halyard - Internal Topping Lift
Oct 2, 2006
Jboat J24 commack

I have 4 sheaves on the Cal mast and a solid top section so how are you getting them inside without cutting and changing stuff ?

Internal on my other mast with a fairly complex sheave box welded in
Sep 5, 2006
- - Sassafras River, MD
OK - I see what you mean.

Yes - We previously added a new Inner Forestay for our Staysail or Storm Jib, see attachment below tri-lobal radar. We're using the old inner forestay, just below the jib, for the topping lift attachment point which leads inside the mast.

These mods did take cutting and welding, so it minimizes work required to run the halyards / topping lift inside the mast to just adding Mast Exit Plates.

Capn Rich



Jul 10, 2007
Seidelmann 34 Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Capn Rich - I confused by your diagram. You show the Interanl Jib Halyard going to the aft sheave then over the forward sheave before coming back down to the forward deck. Is that how it's run? You are using two sheaves for your Jib Halyard?

My Kenyon mast Internal Jib Haylard goes just over the forward sheave then back down to the foredeck.

Could you clarify if their was an error in your diagram or is that the way it is?
Oct 2, 2006
Jboat J24 commack
In the old days they did some wacky stuff on the Cal 29 my main halyard pulls the sail up how you would expect and then goes across the masthead and DOWN the front of the mast :)

And the jib goes up like you would expect and then across the masthead and down the back of the mast

The spinnaker is just all external on a crane that keeps it above and away from everything
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