getting your inboard ready for winter

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Greetings all! I have an A-4 on my Cat 27. Last winter I drained the engine, put a tbls of oil in each cylinder, and hung a glow light. We then got one decent freeze all winter (I live in Central Texas). I talked to a liveaboard at my marina and he says the water temperature (rarely falls below 50 - 60 degrees) keeps the inboards warm enough to not worry about this procedure. I am not in agreement with him so I am just curious what other peoples thoughts are and what others do who don't haul out do for winter? Fair Winds Sean



Sean, you said that you drained the cooling system you may want to refill with a antifreeze just in case you didn't get all the water out.Oil in the cylinders is good,I change my plug now so that I don't need to do it in the spring.Change oil and filter.remove and check/replace water impeller(leave out over winter so that it doesn't "form") drain the gas out of the carburator bowl,change gas filter. Hope this helps

Jeff Taylor

Time for Beer

This project always requires beer. So here's the recipe. 1 case of beer.....and ice New Oil to replace the old oil Engine coolent and water 50/50 mix Put fresh water intake hose in bucket of coolent and suck into system until discharged. Drink more beer. Check coolent level( if any) and trans fluid. Spray injector tops with WD40 to prevent corrosion. Drink Beer
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