Getting registration sticker to stick on dinghy

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Bob in SF

I just picked up a new to me (practially never used) inflatable dinghy. I got a motor for it and registered it since that hadn't been done before. How in the world do I get the registration sticker and the registration numbers to stay stuck on the dinghy? The first time I put them on they seemed stuck just fine, but when I rolled up the raft for the first time the registration stickers fell right off and the numbers (those peel & stick ones you get at West Marine) got all wrinkled and are close to falling off too. I know I can get some paint from places like West Marine for the numbers & letters that is supposed to be able to withstand being rolled up on a dinghy, but the registration sticker is what really needs to stay put. I thought of boards hung on each side of the bow, but where the hand hold ropes are doesn't really lend itsels to hanging a number board on the side of the dinghy. Any suggestions?? Thanks, Bob
Mar 1, 2004
Catalina 387 Cedar Mills-Lake Texhoma
Use the boards

The plastic white ones and fasten them with tie wraps to the ropes. It is the only thing that will last.


registration stickers

Try this product. I just ordered a number plate for my dinghy.

Jack Swords


Since you only need to register the boat if it has an engine, stick it on your outboard. Cut out numbers on a piece of cardboard (or buy a stencil) and spray paint your numbers on the hull. Lasts forever.


Use a black Sharpie and stencils

Also, defender sells pockets to hold the registration sticker. Seems to work well but this is the first season.
Feb 10, 2004
Hunter 40.5 Warwick, RI
I second the use of a Sharpie for the numbers

i have used paint and lastly a Sharpie with stencils. The Sharpie is by far the easiest and least messy. Regarding the registration sticker, I have never had any problems with sticking. I do however scrub the dinghy in the square area for the sticker with acetone first. Don't go nuts with the acetone; it is very stong and it does soften the fabric material. In fact, I have a hard time removing it to apply the new sticker.
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
We used vinyl numbers for the boat.

We used vinyl numbers on the boat for the actual registration. Our boat is hypalon. We have a plastic plate that is attached with a hypalon cutout where we place the registration sticker. The vinyl numbers have been on the boat for over a year and still look just fine.
Dec 3, 2003
Hunter Legend 37 Portsmouth, RI

They will eventually crack & fall off because of the rubber expansion in the hot sun/cool nights.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
We tied on boards

15 years, no problem. Dinghy hasn't been stolen yet...

Tim McGrath

Inflatable boat registration numbers

Check-Out We manufacture numbers that will glue to your PVC or Hypalon type inflatable boat. Thanks
Dec 2, 1999
Hunter Vision-36 Rio Vista, CA.
but who cares, they are cheap.

Paul: They still look like new and they are over a year old and we are in a clime that is very hot during the summer and very cold & damp in the winter. They are cheap enough that it is not a problem. I have tried the marker method and that only last for a few months.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
It's the sticker he asked about NOT the NUMBERS

THE STICKERS The sticker is the State license number, usually a square piece of plastic. Not the long numbers. He talked at length about that. Bob very clearly said: " know I can get some paint from places like West Marine for the numbers & letters that is supposed to be able to withstand being rolled up on a dinghy, BUT the registration sticker is what REALLY needs to stay put." The square STICKER things, made by and for the States, are horrible and usually DO NOT stick on. That's why we use a board. That was the Problem, NOT the #s. Like someone else said earlier on another post, PLEASE read the original question. Bob, for us, LIQUID NAILS or SUPER GLUE will also work on the stickers, and you'll have to continue to glue your new (every year or two) stickers on top of those old ones. It's a lousy solution to a State-sticker-created problem. They work fine on license plates, but nowhere else.
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