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I am thinking about buying a catalina 22 swing keel which has some small cracking and crazing around the deck and the flat area behind the second window. How do I fix cracking and ceazing in the gelcoat?


Grind, fill, fair, buff

Hi Rudy - I've found that he toughtest part about repairing older gel coat is getting a good color match, since it changes color slightly over time with exposure to UV rays. Some gel coat companies can do a pretty good job mixing up small batches to match a hatch or other part of the boat if you can get it to them. I've gone to a company called GCP in Seattle. You can always add tint to the mix to color match it yourself as well. You'll need to grind out the crazed or cracked area to allow the new gel coat to bond well. Mix catalyst, spread a dab in the groove(s), and allow to dry. Then sand with successively finer paper and buff out. I am by no means an expert here, but I have improved the appearance of my boat by filling several dings and cracks. I found a much more detailed "how-to" article by Don Casey (see Related Link), someone who is much more qualified than myself. Bottom line is that it's not rocket science, but it takes a little time to master the technique. You can do it! Best of luck, Trevor

Bill O'Donovan

Is too rocket science

Even if you mix it perfectly the color match is extraordinarly hard to do. I would suggest trying it yourself on a spot that's inconspicuous so the worst that could happen is someone saying, "Oh, who spit up in the corner there?" Ask the yard for an estimate on the most conspicuous breaks.

tom b. c-22

west marine sells...

some stuff that supposedly you just fill in the cracks,let dry, then buff it out..haven't tried it myself, but am lookin to get some..
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