Gelcoat for Hunter 41DS repair in Europe -?

May 3, 2017
Hunter 41DS Oude Wetering

unfortunately someone bumped into the stern of our Hunter 41DS (2009). We need to repair the gelcoat, a spot of around 3x3 inches.

I found via this forum the Spectrum colour WHITE EXTERIOR AOC 09-12 HUNTER, however they charge almost $500 to ship a quart to the Netherlands.

Is there anyone who knows an alternative gelcoat available in Europe, for a better price? Or a RAL colorcode that can be used?

regards, Frans
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
This may not apply to you at all but roll it around and discard if not applicable.

As I own a Hunter, I always look at Hunters I see in other marinas. The later models all look pure WHITE to me. The same pure white as my 1999 Hunter 310. For the last 10+ years I have been doing small cosmetic touch ups on my gel coat, mostly spider cracks and some voids in the factory application. I have always used white gel coat right off the supplier's shelf. No colour additives whatsoever. It's a 100% perfect match even after 24 years. I know that is supposedly impossible with UV damage to the gel coat but there you have it.
Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
The forum store sells the correct gel coat for your boat. Gel coat does not dry in air as it requires a wax to cover the gel coat in order for it to dry. The gel coat has a wax solution the covers air from the gel coat allowing the gel coat to dry.

Pictures would be helpful if you can post them here for better responses