Garmin 152 GPS map display... where's the map?

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Hello, I just bought a boat with a Garmin 152 GPS, and while I have found the unit to be incredibly powerful and able to do many things, the main thing I was hoping it woud do I can't figure out. The map display on this unit displays only buoys and cities without displaying any kind of coastline, so without doing a great deal of charting and setting wavpoints it doesn't seem all that useful as a navigation aid (plus this being on a sailboat you can never make your wav-points since the wind really directs your course). With the things it can do it just really surprises me that it would not be able to draw the coast line... does anyone have any experience with this? Am I doing something wrong or is this really the way the unit is? If this is the way the unit just is, does anyone know if the MapSource software you can get and upload points of interest onto the unit also uploads the actual maps (thus displaying the coastlines and islands)? Thanks, Brent

Goodness Gracious

GPS Limitations

Brent Perhaps you've been out on your boat for the long weekend - we hope you had a good time. We did. You wrote:"the main thing I was hoping it would do I can't figure out" WISHIN' AND A HOPIN' Gee, did you BUY the boat that way? For a frame of reference, start here: It's also the link below. Also, suggest that you try, or the appropriate 'site. An instruction manual for any equipment is a very helpful tool to understand the capabilities (and limitations) of any and all equipment you may have. There is a GREAT probability that the instruction manual (that your PO perhaps forgot to save and give to you) IS available on the web. Most of the time, if you need or want information on any product specific things, for instance: IDON'TKNOWANYTHINGANDAMAFRAIDASK there is this incredible possibility that, JUST LIKE the yellow pages, you could look it up on your computer's browser, with the ACTUAL name of what you are looking for with a DOT - com (or DOT - org, or goodness help us - UGH - gov [can't find any useful stuff there...]) GOBs (Good Old Boat - no copyright infringements intended) still function, so does doing your OWN research - it's NOT homework, kids, but it sure seems to me that would be helpful to those with questions to do some archive searches before asking the "what's the best (boat, dingy, engine) questions. Brent, I just have a lot of trouble understanding why you would post this question about how incredibly incredulous you are about your-new-to-you GPS's features, after spending more than most people make in a year on your boat, and you can't understand the basics. Some GPSs have no frills, some have all of them and some are in between. "plus this being on a sailboat you can never make your wav-points [sic] since the wind really directs your course" Darn..... "With the things it can do it just really surprises me that it would not be able to draw the coast line..." Gee, sure would be great if the government made them ALL do everything the SAME way and cost less. Keep dreaming, Brent, and, please, start reading. PS This website has an INCREDIBLY GREAT search engine. I enourage everyone to use it. The answer to "what's the best wife for me?" can be found at http:\," for those with no taste whatsoever.


I know I got a little lazy, but I did try!

I completely understand what you're saying "Goodness Gracious" but I did watch the video I got with the GPS, looked through the manual, tried the Garmin website, used the search engine on this website and did a general search and could not come up with my answer so I thought I'd post the relatively simple question and to someone who knows the GPS it would be a little to no effort answer. I do appreciate your taking the time to give such an in depth response though... still my question is unanswered. I tried your link to and didn't get anything... just a blank page, maybe that was your point. -Brent


GPS Reality

Brent I checked again and the link should work: try the same - No, it was NOT my point, We want to help, which is what this forum is all about. Brent, sorry, if you felt I was harsh,and think, perhaps, that I could have been more understanding in my initial reply to your question. But, in your response, you said: "...I did WATCH the video I got with the GPS, LOOKED through the manual, tried the Garmin WEBSITE, used the search ENGINE on this website and did a general SEARCH and could NOT come up with my answer so I thought I'd post the relatively SIMPLE question and to someone who knows the GPS it would be a little to no effort answer. I do appreciate...." Brent, if ALL of the reference materials you mentioned, and thanks to you for DOING the "homework," don't work, WHAT ELSE COULD BE HAPPENING???????? You did a great job checking it out, but I don't understand your basic question - "My manuals and everything else tell me I can't do what I wanna do but it sure doesn't........." If ALL those reference materials said you couldn't do it, what's the question?


Missed point

GG, I was trying to copy and paste your link to a new browser window and couldn't get it to work, but it worked fine using the related link link... thanks! I guess the indication would be that my GPS cannot draw the maps... I didn't take either of your responses as harsh, just missing my point. My issue is that none of my "homework" has indicated either that the GPS can or can not do what I am trying to find out. You still are not reading it correctly, I never said "this says I can't do it so do you think I can?" As my initial finding is that I can not make it do it, I was surprised by all of its other functionality and lacking in this one place. Further, for example, on the Garmin website, under the software downloads for firmware, there are brief explanations on what the firmware updates do and under a couple of them it looked as if the firmware update could improve the map screen to include more detail... but the description is not detailed enough to know what detail is improved. Also, on my Garmin instructional video there is a brief section on using some mapping software and on the screen it shows them downloading their saved route to the GPS and deselecting the option to download the map... if that option was not deselected would the map then be drawn on the GPS? These are the kind of things I want to know, is there any one thing I can do to improve the map screen on my GPS to include drawing coastlines? I don't see it as an overly basic question, but that is in the eye of the one posing the question... here me.

J.B. Dyer

Phone Call

Brent: Have you tried calling Garmin? Being an electronic moron and having the inability to understand most instructional books on electronics, I called Garmin on their customer support line. I found them to be extremely helpful. I was having a problem with a Map76 and called. It seemed that there was an update download that I needed for the unit to work properly. They walked me through the problem, step by step, and seemed glad to help. Good Luck!

Jim Logan

The 152 doesn't seem to have maps available

From looking at the West Marine catalog, it appears that the Garmin 152 is not a cartographic unit, but rather a limited memory unit that is a GPS receiver - such as you might interface with a laptop to run a navigation program - it does seem that you can "add detail" by purchasing a cd, but it doesn't seem that would add the map display capability - just my opinion, could be wrong.

Lee Hadjiosif


The Garmin 152 is a NON-MAPPING GPS. I'm surprised that Garmin did not tell you this when you called them. You can buy a mapping GPS for a few hundred bucks. Good luck. Lee


it's not a chartplotter it's a gps.

use non-mapping gps in conjuction with paper charts and you'll be fine. The Points of Interest CD doesn't have transferable charts but the program on the computer has coastline maps you can use to create routes, set new waypoints, measure distances and bearings, etc. Brent, go down to West Marine and ask for a demo of chartplotters and GPS equipment. By the way, sailors use fixed waypoints all the time. At least this one does.


Thanks & Waypoint navigating

Thanks all for the responses, although I was hoping for different results, this is at least a conclusion. My confusion with sailing and waypoints isn't so much with hitting the waypoint as it is with following the route to the waypoint. If I were to set up waypoints on my gps to set up a trip route and if I were not able to follow that route directly due to it not being directly downwind or something, I then lose my sense of safety in following a route that I planned and know to be free of known obstacles (of course other obstacles will always need to be watched for) and in waters of appropriate depth. This is mainly why I want the coastline drawn on there, just so I know if I am a little off course I can still head to my waypoint without going through a land mass, which, of course I'd want to refer back to my chart if I got off course anyway, so it's probably better it's not there. The GPS is definitely a powerful navigation aid, but I can see why you don't want to rely on it too much. Thanks again all, Brent


Brent, quit worrying about it....

buy some paper charts and learn to use them with your GPS. Determine your waypoints using the chart then enter them in the GPS manually. When you are out sailing, you can mark waypoints directly into the GPS at appropriate locations. You just need to get there and play with it. That's the only way you'll feel safer.

Claude L.-Auger

GPS 152 & Navigation program on laptop

Brent, I do own a Garmin 152 and it is a non-mapping unit. Play with the different pages and you'll find that it will show you exactly where you are in relationship to your intended course while giving you the direction and course you need to follow to get back on track. Safety at sea dictates that you also use paper charts and plot your directions and regular fixes on it to always know where you are. I purposely bought it for its simplicity and ease of operation. I mounted it right on the pedastal and I have hardwired it so I can connect it to my laptop. I use Fugawi 3 Navigation program in the laptop and it's very easy to plot a route on the maps I have included in Fugawi, then upload the route in the 152 with waypoints automatically created every time the route changes direction. Leaving the laptop on and connected to the GPS in a NMEA to NMEA mode creates a display on the map on the screen, with an icon (I selected one in the general shape of a boat!) showing your exact position on the chart as well as your Lat and long. You can figure distances, reverse routes, etc. I provided a link to Fugawi for your info. It is not expensive and very easy to use. Good luck



Hello, I do have my paper charts but I really like the idea of putting the Fugawi software on a laptop and connecting that up. I don't know why I'm so stuck on the idea of seeing my position on a map, but this will do it! Thanks again, Brent


Me too! Claude

Thanks for the tip. I checked out the Fugawi (as in "Where the F__ are we?") site and was impressed. Great price! Looks like the perfect solution for someone who doesn't want to spend $1000-2000 on a color charplotter you can't play games on.
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