G.Thompson Rigid Boom Vang

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Do you have a rigid boom vang by z-spar on your 29.5? If so, is small diameter portion or large diameter section attached to the boom. Which direction does the v-cleat face? Ours continually pops out. Either it is rigged incorrectly or it needs to be modified. Glad we didn't have all your problems on our 29.5. Initially we had leaks on stern and starboard side, while still under warranty. Dealer pulled rub rail and discovered that the aim on person drilling holes to attach hull to deck was awful and holes had actually been drilled into hull. Fixed that and no more problems. Also we have a groove for draining on our ports so they don't leak. Have not had engine problems. Do fly a balooner and that is great. We really like the sailing on this boat! Joan

George Thompson


Hi Joan, Please dont misunderstand me. Those comments are not all for one boat. Thank God! I pulled them from the "owners comments" in the 29.5 section. These were the ones I found repeated the most often. I would assume they were due to design problems in the boat. They are all minor too. I dont own a 29.5 - yet. I am in the process in looking for one. I made a list, much longer than the one I listed, to help guide me in inspecting the prospective 29.5's. That way I would have something usefull for comparrison sake. The one I posted was boiled bown some what. I cant help you with the Boom Vang question. If I run into one in my travels I will inquire for you. However, it sounds like you have it installed incorrectly. Did you call the manufacturer? They may be able to help. Good luck
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