Fuel Vent Question

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Oct 18, 2011
Watkins 27 Port Charlotte, FL
I bought this vent at WM and installed it next to the diesel fill fitting on the top of the starboard combing on my Watkins.

After I installed it (of course it is always after I install it) it occurred to me that rain - and we get lots of it in the summer here - is going to splash through that screen and get into my vent line.

Does anyone know a better (reasonably flush mount) horizontal deck fitting that would let my tank breathe without being a direct access point for water?

Has anyone used this one, and if so does it do better at preventing splashing water from going right into the vent line?

Any help is appreciated.

Dec 2, 2003
Hunter 376 Warsash, England --
Water can enter a vent line regardless of whether the holes face upwards or face down. Holes up and rain gets in, down and it is spray.
The trick is to make sure the vent line rises immediately it is inside the hull so any wet that gets in will drain out.
Also make sure there are no dips or 'U's in the line to collect water which might then get sucked into the tank or be tipped in when the boat heels.
Having the line rise as high as possible under the deck helps eliminate overspill from the vent should you fill the tank to the brim.

On my H376 the line was at low level and I leaked fuel all day for 35 miles on one long port tack.
I always wondered why I smelled diesel when sailing with a full tank.
Oct 18, 2011
Watkins 27 Port Charlotte, FL
Thanks, Donalex for the info. That tells me enough to resolve the questions I had. I'll go back to the boat and re-route the vent line.

Dec 1, 1999
Hunter 28.5 Chesapeake Bay
I would install a clamshell vent over this fitting and make sure I had a loop in the vent line higher than the vent opening.
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