fuel injector rebuild

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Oct 12, 2011
Oday 34 Dealle
I am considering having the injectors rebuilt on my diesel. Do any of you have an idea what this service will cost?
Thanks, JB
Mar 8, 2009
Catalina 22 Kemah,Texas
I don't know what it would cost, but why rebuild them? Do you have a diagnosis?
Dec 19, 2006
Hunter 36 Punta Gorda
More Info

Yes why ???? give more info why you need to rebuild and plenty of help here to help you with any engine problems before spending your $$$$.

Oct 12, 2011
Oday 34 Dealle
The engine has 750 hours on it and from time to time we get some black smoke. Not always but occasionally. Also, the transom shows black soot buildup.
Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 37 C sloop Punta Gorda FL
Local diesel shps here test injectors Then they tell you whether you need rebuilt or not.

Black smoke may be a sign of a fouled prop. Does it occur at or near full throttle?
May 11, 2005
Seidelman S37 Slidell, La.
I doubt

I doubt that at 750 hours you have injectors that are bad. Of course it's possible. You might look into other problems first. As for rebuilding, I recently was considering this. Did some checking, and found the better shops were from 80 to 100 dollars, and most with a built in extras condition. New injectors direct from Yanmar were 106 bucks.
May 24, 2004
Hunter 33.5 Portsmouth, RI
At 750 hours, the black smoke/soot could be from build up inside the mixing elbow. hat creates back pressure and causes an inefficient burn of fuel. If it has not been replace by now, it's due. It will make a lot of difference with a new mixing elbow. You may also see about a 30 to 50% improvement in fuel GPH. On my 2GM20F engine with a new mixing elbow I get about 0.30 GPH, with a 'fouled' mixing elbow (about 500 hours on it) I get about 0.45 GPH. Since I keep accurate fuel usage & engine hour run time, I can see the GPH creep up over time.
Sep 5, 2007
MacGregor 26X Rochester
Just becaue it needs asking: are you quite sure the prop is correctly sized to the engine and boat?
Jun 7, 2007
Hunter 320 Williamsburg
Right on

Navigator 97 hit the spot. The mixing elbow should be replaced every five years or 500 hours. Many posts in the Archives here attest to the symptoms, of which black smoke is one. Remove the U-bowl and you'll be surprised at the coking inside. Very much resembles a smoker's arteries, and equally scary.
Oct 12, 2011
Oday 34 Dealle
What just happened? Anyway, I'm not familiar with a mixing elbow but will investigate. Part of the intake circuit? As to the prop, I use an autoprop which works quite well and I've had no problems with it.
Thanks for all the replies.
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