Frostbite Sailing

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Gary Wyngarden

Ok me hearties, the thermometer is dropping and the winter winds are just over the horizon. Are you hauling your boat and winterizing it? Or are you hauling out your cold weather foulies and fleece long underwear to sail through the winter? How cold does it have to get before you quit sailing? How do you stay warm when you're out there on the water? Is ice on the deck a test of one's true commitment to sailing or a sign that one should truly be committed (i.e. to a mental hospital)?


What happened to Fall?

We were planning to go to Block Island over Columbus Day weekend (a holiday in the east) but with rain and temps in the 40's we'll stay home and use the fireplace instead. Try to head to Block next weekend if it warms up, otherwise the boat comes out. Russell s/v Allie Kat

Mickey Goodman

We Are Hearty New England Sailors

I was out to Seattle last January and the weather was in the 50's. Is this what you West Coasters call winter. Thats what we call "late summer". I sail until the end of October, when the temps are in the 50's. My wife refuses to get her toes colder than the 50's and all my promises of the "honey dos" won't work. She isn't that hearty. Sailing with ice on the deck is crazy and very dangerous. We New Englanders are more practical.

LaDonna Bubak - Catalina Owners

Our new quiz meister!

You come up with some great questions, Gary. I am a self-admitted fair weather sailor. Living in Portland, that means a relatively short sailing season for me. Now Rob sails in anything. One time he came back from a winter sail with ice on his cap and a grin on his face! No thanks!! And if he somehow fanagles me into going...the heat had better be on! :) LaDonna

Dick Vance

Fall's Great In East Tennessee!

Fall is great sailing in our part of the country. We have our best winds and some great weather. Our Fall Racing Series extends into early Nov. We've been in the 80's so far but a cold front headed this way is expected to cool things to the 60's or even 50's by the weekend. We are fortunate to have many good days throughout the year so the boat stays in the water ready to go! Personally, if there's enought wind for good sailing, anything under 50 is too cold with the wind chill. We did have a race a few years ago when it got colder than expected and we finished with snow flurries! I'd rather not do that again! Something that is rarely mentioned is the water temperature. A MOB in cold water is real trouble and no one should go cold weather sailing without a PFD. I always wear my inflatable but in the winter I switch to a foam vest for extra insulation. All boats with ice on the deck should be secured firmly to the dock! Dick Vance H-25.5 "Honey Bear"

Scott may

Winter in the tropics...almost

In the northern Gulf of Mexico the winter isn't due for another month and a half...keep the cold talk to a min. or jack frost may come here and spoil things for us... :)


Time for Ice Fishing

Last haulout here in lake city( is oct 26. With over 500 boats in our marina and only about 15% out, thats a ways to go. I am in the parking lot and with a forcast of 20 above sat. morning thats ok with me. Time to get the ice auger out and hook on to some good fishn.

Russ Williams

Winter sailing??

When Jack Frost visits the Texas Gulf Coast and the temperatures plummet into the 60's, I throw on my windbreaker, ice down some beer and toss the lines off. Russ

Bob Sawyer

Ski Season Is Upon Us

The weekend forecast for RI is low 60's on Saturday, and low 40's on Sunday and Monday. My plans are to go out for 3-4 hours on the bay Saturday and watch football (Go Patriots) on Sunday. Monday I decide when the boat (C27) comes out for the winter. I hope to get in one more sail before I begin preparing for the coming ski season.

Justin - O'day Owners' Web

Kite Skiing

I used to do the whole frostbite thing, before deciding that at heart I am a wimp, and who wants to be that cold anyway, and plus I ought to be studying and . . . Actually, the boat is coming out on Monday, sad though it makes me. On another note: anyone here try kite skiing? Its a great way to play with the wind, and typically involves less freezing water than winter sailing. Justin - O'day Owners' Web


Skate Sailing

I plan to continue sailing my widgeon through the winter as this season is warmer now and the ponds and lakes are often open and also the bay never freezes anymore like it did in the early part of the twentieth century. They actually used to haul huge blocks of granite by ox teams across the frozen bay. I've been skate sailing (or kite sailing says Justin)for many years on the local ponds. I'll do this as often as cold weather can give me two inches or better of black ice and light wind or more, not too strong. It is frighteningly fast even in a 15 to 20 mph breeze! I stay warm with silk thermals and lots of layers with a shell over everything to keep out the wind. And always wear the life vest. If this interests you, check out these websites: (windsurfing sails for skate sailing) (skate sailing association) (ice wing) (hopatcong plans, pvc bows and wood spars, tarp) (same plans as site above) (ice sailing links) (Isabella Ice Boat) (skate sailing clip art) (FAQ's on skate sailing) (the simple kite sail, tarp and broomsticks, with link to real skate sailor image)


Winter Sailing in FL

In Fl. we are just getting out in the H2O. No doubt is is warmer here but it does get a little cold out here in the Gulf of Mexico during the winter months. I can't wait.

Chesley Kemp

Winter sailing SeaPearl in Ky.

I am sailing my O'day 25 now on Barren River Reservoir. When the lake gets too low to launch on the yacht club ramp, I will switch to the Seapearl two master. I can put it in with just a few feet of ramp. I have a polartec type wet suit and dive booties. I certainly don't paln on getting hypothermia out there. One winter, I got about 5 gallons of ice cold water over the gun'l two differetn times and just stayed in my fatigue bdu's soooo I got sick in a few days. That is why I got the polartec wet suit. Anxious to try it out this winter. ches

Tim Loviska

Sail and Ski

I live in North Iadho and keep my O'Day 25 in the water year around. Most of the winter weekends I will spend on the slopes but if the day is nice, sunny and in the 40's, I will go for a sail. In Jan. and Feb. the wind is usually more constant. Just dress warn and have fun. You have the lake all to yourself. While at the dock I keep a electric heater on the boat which keeps in warm and dry.

Al Sandrik

Winter, what winter?

We're just getting cranked up for our season!
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