From "Latts



Quoting- Coasties may have to increase Security. The Commandant of the Coast Guard, Adm. Thomas Collins, suggested that recreational boaters may soon be targeted by government watchdogs, according to the Associated Press. A plan has been submitted to President Bush that will target recreational boaters, as well as an estimated 110,000 fishing vessels and ferries. Okay,lets see, we attack a country for non-existent weapons of mass destruction, and then say it was to "make them free." The we start taking away everybody's rights back home. Hey Bush, thanks a bunch. Great job! Much smoother than Adolph did it, he had to blow up the Reichstaag. "Lattitudes and Attitudes" January 2006 We have a lot of Coasties that comment on the website. I wonder what they think about this plan??????????
Dec 2, 2003
- - Seabeck WA
Well Bush threw us to the lions before the

last election. Did you see the proclamation printed in Cruising World? Anybody even thinking of visiting Cuba with their boat was subject to seizure. No proof needed. He was pandering to the Cuban exile vote. He's a whore. And a pimp. Oops, now the secret service is looking at me. Not a very religious statement if you don't read too closely in the bible. At least the FCC can't touch me. Saying 'whore' is legal on our public airwaves, pimp too. Did you see the garage door on Desperate Housewives? :)


Tacking away mortgage interest tax credit

Whye Fred, I never knew you felt that way! Please toll us how you really feel! I just hope they don't take away the mortgage interest tax deduction for boats as second homes. It doesn't make it easy to afford the houseboats/cruiser/sailboat; but it helps rationalize the empty pockets!
Dec 2, 2003
- - Seabeck WA
Speaking of mortgage Andy,

We paid it OFF! We're FREE! That was in March. Since then we paved the cul-de-sac, refinished the floors with swedish, bought a new Duramax crew cab, a new Solara convertible and a new 65" wide screen. It arrived today. Let's see what else? Oh, replaced the heat pump and closed the geothermal ground loop, bought broadband satellite service,,,,,. OK, I quit. All that for half of what we were paying on the !@#$%^& mortgage. We've doubled our savings too. WE'RE FREE!! All since March! :) WE'RE FR,,,,,,,!