From Fresh to Salt

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Merrill Mant

We have always sailed our boats on Lake Champlain in upstate NY. One of the most scenic and pleasant places to spend time on a boat (except for that time of the year when the water is too hard!!. Job change may land us and the boat in the Portsmouth area of NH. What can I expect as a typical weekend sail in the area? Opinions for the move (for the boat) pro and con would be most welcome.

Larry McKay

Great coastal sailing

I sail out of kennebunkport,me. to portsmith and further south. ie: newburyport,marblehead. You can sail to these ports and north to k'port and portland. Good luck in your move. "GLORIA" 1990 27 Hunter

Mickey Goodman

New England Sailing

ME-NH, MA Sailing. I was going to relocate my boat a few years back to the Newburyport, MA area. The river there, I can't remember the name, has a very fast current, so beware. Sailing out of Portsmith, NH would allow you to sail to the Isle of Shoals for a weekend cruise. For vacation you can sail the coast of Maine, which I have done many times, is absolutely great. With over 3,000 islands makes very interesting sailing. I now sail out of East Greenwich, RI which also great sailing. If I had to make a choice it would be the Maine coast.

Pete Pasquale

Salt Water

I keep my C-30 in Salem Ma during the season and in Portsmouth NH in winter. The sailing is great. So many places, so little time. The biggest problem is the fog, especially in Maine. Good luck on the move. Pete

Justin - O'day Owner's Web

Casco Bay

I may be a bit partial, but - Casco Bay is some of the sailing going. Thousands of islands make for endless adventure. A bunch of race series if that's your thing. If I were you I would put the boat in Portland and suck up the hour of driving in return for great sailing. Leaving from Portsmouth itself can be fun, but the river runs really quickly making navigation tricky, and puts you directly into the ocean. While this is not a bad thing in itself, I prefer the islands and bay for varriety. Isles of Shoals are just off Portsmouth, but they are private. You can harbor there, but they would prefer you stay on your boat. They tend not to get to antagonistic about it, but I know several people who work at the Unitarian facility on Star and the marine lab on appledore and they make no bones about it - Private Property. Even as a good friend I could not get permission to go ashore. YMMV, Justin - O'day Owners' Web
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