Frigoboat Refrigeration - Heat Exchanger

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Jun 4, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 461 Raby Bay Queenland Australia
Hi all, Can anyone help me. I have a frigoboat eutectic refrigeration system (Series 500 Plus). Today I had the fridge mechanic replace the compressor and re-gas the unit. After he left I noticed a small water leak from the heat exchange unit. The heat exchange looks like you can open it up by unbolting the 4 outer case bolts. What I am hoping for is I can replace the body of the unit without having to have the gas removed and dissconnecting the the copper pipe. E.G the coil of copper pipe just lift out from the case? Can anyone help. My run of luck with this boat is starting to get to me. Thanks in anticipation. Mike Gibson Raby Bay Australia

Charlie Gruetzner -

heat exchanger leak

Mike, if the leak was after the technician was there call him back to fix it. I am certainly not an expert on refrigeration but Nigel Calder has a good book on the topic. I think it is called Marine Refrigeration for Pleasure Craft. You might find the answer to your question in there. I hope this helps at least a little bit Charlie
Jun 4, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 461 Raby Bay Queenland Australia
Solved the problem

Thanks for the reply charlie. With further investigation, I foind the base could be dropped off by unscrewing the 4 bolts. It has a rubber o ring seal on a plastic base. I managed to make an aluminium bottom plate the same size. Expoxy glued it and the two broken corners together. Drill the holes in the alum plate and put it all back together again. Should be as good as new.

Charlie Gruetzner -


I'm sure other that have or might have the same problem will be able to use your solution. That is what this forum is all about. Thanks for getting back to everyone with the answer Charlie
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