Fresh water leak

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Denise Caine

I have a fresh water leak but not in the tanks. The water is coming from the forward end of the left water tank area and drains into the sump. It only leaks when the water pump is on and pressurized. Also, the water level readings from the tanks are unreliable. Does anyone know what the individual tank quantities are on the Oceanis 461?

Rob Leimgardt

Galley Leak?

Denise, Do you have the 3 cabin layout with the Euro Galley laid up the entire port side of the salon? If so, you probably have a leak under your sink in the galley. That is where the fwd port tank is. When you mentioned that your problem is only when the domestic system is pressurized, this leads me to assume this may be the case.

Denise Caine

Galley Leak

I have the 2 cabin layout. Do you have any other suggestions?

Charlie Gruetzner -

Water Leak

Denise, you are probably going to have to trace some of your water lines and look for the leak. I would first check the simple things first (if you haven't already) starting with the hose clamps. Make sure they are tight. It is possible that they are a little loose and when you pressurize the system that is when the leak occurs. There may also be a leak hidden by the clamps as well. I would start there and if that doesn't work we can figure out the next step. the problem with water leaks is that they down't always orginate where they show up. I am also looking to find the sizes for the individual tanks for you. It should be in the paperwork from Beneteau if you have that othe wise you can give Beneteau a call and ask for Ward Richardson Let me know what happens good luck Charlie

Denise Caine

Thank you Charlie, I will inspect more closely. In my paperwork it only shows the total water capacity. I have the 2 stateroom model 1997 oceanis 461. I will call Beneteau again. Thanks again, Denise


Are you positive the fresh water leak is from a tank. I had a similar mysterious fresh water leak into my sump. It turned out the fresh water was condensation from my a/c unit. Normally the condensate drains into a shower type sump pump to to be pumped overboard. The sump pump failed and the condensate would splash over the drip pan under the a/c and wind up in the bilge/sump.
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