Forward Hatch replacement

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Jan 21, 2007
- - Horseshoe Bay
I have a 1977 Catalina 30 and am truly in love! Moved up from a 27 and the difference is pheonominal. Anyway I would love to replace the forward hatch with some plexiglass to let in more light (and look up to the stars at night). I'm on a budget (of course) and wondered if anyone out there has done this and if so, how. I'm in Vancouver BC and ordering from the US would be pricey. Could I remove the cover, cut out the middle, replace with plexiglass, caulk and reinstall? It is the trapezoidal shape and all the stores just seem to have the square ones. Any help would be appreciated


Not a good idea

I would highly not recommend doing it for several reasons. 1. It would depreciate the value of the boat big time. 2. There is a risk you could step through it. That area of the deck gets a lot of activity, be it raising the sails, anchoring, docking, etc. 3. The hatch is thick! Bear in mind the hatch is over 1/2 thick. You would need plexi at least that thick (maybe more). 4. You do not want to compromise the integrity of the forward hatch. I have buried the bow plenty of times offshore. You don't want to be worrying about a leak up there. 5. Worth mentioning again, IT WOULD DEPRECIATE THE VALUE OF THE BOAT BIG TIME! 6. I have seen plexi replacement hatchs in the Catalina Masthead. I would recommend you go with one of these. At least it would look professional and be safe!


Forward Hatch

I believe Catalina Direct has what you are seeking. You can see the hatch replacement for your boat online.

Dick N.

I waited to reply to go look at my boat. I think its a good idea, however, I sort of agree with another post worrying about slipping. If there were 2 windows, leaving a border around the perimeter and about a 9 in. strip of non skid down the center there would be structural support. The plexiglass could be 1/4". I don't like the feeling of being shut in down below either. Dick N. #4262


Suit yourself

Take what ever advise you like but be forwarded. We all like to get "creative" on our boats but the important thing is to keep it looking professional and safe. Our boats are always being scrutinized by our peers and when it comes to re-sale, especially if you have it professionally surveyed, a "hack job" mod will make or break the deal. No offense to the original poster, I'm trying to save you some grief down the road, I can not envision how cutting a hole in the forward hatch and caulking in a piece of plexi is going to look attractive, especially after a season or two when the caulking gets dirty and changes color, the plexi crazes up (especially if you don't use special UV plexi). If possible try and spring for the Catalina Direct plexi retro fit hatch. It's an attractive, safe and fully functional replacement hatch that will no doubt add to the over all appearance of your boat and may even enhance the re-sale if you should ever think of moving up.
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