Forum search

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Tom M.

Phil, I was looking for an article that was on the smaller boats forum last week, maybe two. It seems to be gone now, so I went to the forum archives to see if I could look back a couple of weeks in the smaller boats forum. I don't know what exact date the post was made. When I try the "View past Hunter forum activity by date" I get ALL the forums. I don't want ALL the forums, I want the smaller boats forum, and it would be nice to be able to see a range of dates like "last week" or "three weeks ago". Not to mention that it would be nice to be able to do a search of a forum and sort by date, or even search by date (ie: spit out all posts in the <Xforum> for <Xdate>) Is a change request like this possible? It would certainly be an improvement. Thanks. -Tom M.
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