First 285 electrical questions

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Nov 21, 2007
Beneteau Oceanis 34 Kingston, WA
I have a couple of specific electrical questions on our First 285, and then a request for general maintenance help that I'll post later on the general forum.

This is our first boat ever, and I've seen a couple of electrical issues - first on the pre-purchase survey and then subsequently through my own observations: The survey pointed out that the electrical system had been designed for Euro 220v AC and that there are some possible "current" issues when connecting loads at US (110) voltage. My documentation has a list of European mm area to AWG equivalents, but I can't tell exactly what was installed when the boat was built. Anyone have info that could help me determine whether this issue can be analyzed and either dismissed as a non-issue or corrected?

Second; there is a braided copper grounding strap running through some of the galley cabinetry which should (I said should, but doesn't) connect to the keel. Does anyone know the purpose for this grounding connection (AC system, galvanic isolation?) and a source for a replacement?

Third; in the engine compartment there is a small braided ground wire that I haven't had a chance to trace back to its source yet... It also seems to be suffering from a fair amount of corrosion and should be replaced. Just thought I'd ask the "what is it" question here as well? Since the diesel doesn't have significant DC needs, is it grounding the alternator?

Finally, has anyone put together an idiots guide to sailboat maintenance for those of us who are new to marine maintenance every year? I mean, right down to the things that you do every time you take the boat out? I'll settle for references to your favorite books for sale through this site, I just don't want to have to by all of them.

Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
I can't speak to the grounding question as Beneteaus are different than what I am familiar with. Regarding you last q regarding reference books, there are a few good ones but as the systems on a boat vary and are numerous, the thoroughly written ones are neither cheap nor skimpy on detail. It may be more than you expected to see upon first glance but one of the better is Nigel Calder's "Boatowner's Mechanical and Electrical Handbook" widely available. As I said it, and other comparable books, covers more than you might initially want but as time goes by, you'll find it to be an invaluable info source for more complex concerns that inevitably arise.
Jun 4, 2004
- -First 310 -
The braided strap is used to help conduct a lightning strike to the keel. Phone the customer service department at Beneteau USA for a replacement.
Nov 21, 2007
Beneteau Oceanis 34 Kingston, WA
Thanks, Randy. I did call Beneteau, and they gave me the same information. I had tried, unsuccessfully, to contact them several times earlier this summer. This time, no trouble getting to someone who answered a number of questions (including the Euro/AC question - Beneteaus says that our boat was built in the U.S. to handle our 30 amp AC shorepower).

They did say that they had started using coated cable for the lightning strap (AWG 6 ga.) and the engine grounding cable. They did not offer me a Beneteau part or part number for a replacement. I haven't started the repair yet, I'll post again later when I run into more specific questions.

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