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Thinking about one day sailing out to Europe across Atlantic in C32. Well, I heard that it sounds a bit crazy, but this is not what I'm trying to ask. If anybody knows how it works if you have some firearms (I'm talking about handgun and W 3030). I've never been out to another country on my boat before and do not really know where to look for the answer on such question, but would like to have those things with me on a lonely passage. Thanks.

Sam Kurtz

Usually not a Problem

Check with the consulate before you go and make very sure you declare them with customs. Sidearms are probably a little trickier. I have travel across Europe with rifles and shotguns and not had any problems. These days there are very few border checks within the EU members.


Weapon Choice

A 3030 might not be the best piece of self defense for a boat. Because of its muzzle velocity, an accidental discharge belowdecks would almost definitely go right through any part of the boat in its way, including the hull. Then you've got a real problem. Also, accurate aim on a moving platform is tough unless you're a hollywood cowboy. Shorter barrel, lower muzzle velocity, and spread pattern of shot is usually recommended. Mossberg makes an excellent minimal legal length barrel 12 gauge, rustproof material barrel.
Jul 1, 1998
Hunter Legend 35 Poulsbo/Semiahmoo WA
Why firearm to/in Europe?

Europe is one the areas in the world where I'd like to cruise to someday primarily because it doesn't seem to be as crime infested as, say, the China Sea, Columbia, horn of Africa, etc. The trip across the Atlantic doesn't have many islands, except for Bermuda, Iceland, and the Azors, so I'm currious why one would want to lug along a firearm. In North America it would be a real hassle to take a firearm to Canada or Mexico. At least, everytime I go to Canada this is one of the things they're looking for. Haven't been to Mexico but have only heard of the difficulties there. In the european area the north African countries one might want protection capabilities but if one actually used a firearm it would probably cause a legal mess. What ports or areas would require extra protection? Have you heard of problems on Atlantic crossings?


12 ga

s.s mosberg the way to go, you can use slugs,bird shot. they even make 12ga flares to use. if i was running 3rd world a high power with scope and a 9mm the way to go.

Don Alexander


Why would you need a gun in Europe? Nobody else carries one. Either on board or when ashore. Indeed I can think of no European country where you would not be arrested immediately it was known that you were armed when ashore. Specifically the Royal Yachting Association recommends not to carry firearms on board when visiting less well ordered societies outside of EurOpe as intruders could find the weapon and use it against you. Regards, Don Alexander.

Justin - O'day Owner's Web


Jerry - Before you worry too much about what to take and the legalities of taking it, do you carry a firearm here in the states? There is an article in one of the currnet magazines, I'll try to figure which one it was, about carrying weapons. It makes good reading. Pointing a weapon at another person and pullng the trigger is a tough thing to do. If you hesitate even a moment, you would have been better off without the gun in the first place. Having said all that - I would carry a Sig Pro and probably a Mossberg 9200A1 autoloader if I were going somewhere I was worried about it. Europe would not be one of those places. May none of us ever need to know what we'd do with the weapon in hand. Justin

Mike Gallagher

What do you use now?

What weapon are you using now for home defense? Could you aim it and shoot it well while moving on 3 axis? I agree with a couple of the other posts here a 12 guage is the way to go. Scatters well, you could hit a target on a moving deck with a minimal aim.

Roger Fleming

Practice, practice, practice

Take a tip from a 27 year career, law enforcement officer. First, I fully support the 12 ga. advice. I'd go with pump action; its simply more reliable. I'd load "single 0" buck shoot. Large enough to be effective and you get more pellets per round than "00". If you were to look in most police cars this is what you would find. Most importantly, practice. When the sh*t hits the fan, believe me; you can't think clearly. Everything is instinct and training. You do what you have practiced. Why do you think cops shoot four times a year? Its not for fun. Most real cops don't do guns for a hobby. They practice because they must to survive a critical incident.
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