Farr 940 v. Farr 9.2 v. Noelex 30


Jul 25, 2013
TES 246 Versus Bowser, BC
I'm hoping there are some Kiwis here because none of these boats is very common outside NZ (or Australia). My understanding is that the Noelex 30 and the Farr 940 are the same boat marketed under different names. But the Farr 9.2 seems to be quite similar, going by photos and specs. Can anyone provide insight into how these boats compare, or the pros and cons of each?
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
The Farr 9.2 was introduces in 1979 with a lifting or fixed keel, 4661 lb displacement and 1294 lb ballast. The Noelex 40 was introduced in 1985 and later marketed as Farr 940 in 1987 both with lifting keels 4125 lb displacement and 1294 lb ballast and more sail area, lower comfort ratio and higher capsize screening formula compared to the 9.2.

Might contact Farr Yacht Design at 100 Severn Avenue, Suite 101 Annapolis, Md. USA 21403 USA telephone 410 267 0780 Email: info@farrdesign.com.
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Jul 25, 2013
TES 246 Versus Bowser, BC
Thanks, @sail sfbay, that's very informative!

I've been comparing polars for a few different boats. I couldn't find one for the Noelex/940 but ORC has one for the Farr 9.2. Based on what you've said and other specs I've seen, the polar for the Noelex/940 is probably similar to the Farr 9.2's, and perhaps slightly better.

It's unfortunate that the Noelex is so rare in the U.S. and Canada. In many ways it seems like the ideal boat for me, but the logistics of buying one are daunting.


Jul 25, 2013
TES 246 Versus Bowser, BC
If you are looking for a racing sailboat a J105 would be my choice: SailboatData.com - J/105 Sailboat
No, I'm not looking for a racing boat. I'm looking for a trailer yacht with decent sailing performance. But the emphasis is on trailerability and cruising more so that performance. The Noelex 30 seems ideal because it's got lots of room, fits my definition of "trailerable," and has good performance. But they're damned rare on this side of the Pacific!
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