Exposed rudder shaft length for Legend 35.5?

Jun 4, 2024
Hunter Legend 35.5 Charleston SC
I know this is a shot in the dark, but does anyone know the length of the rudder shaft that is exposed above the rudder? I have found a brand new rudder that was made for a Hunter Vision. The guys at Foss Foam verified that the same rudder was used on the 35.5, but say the exposed shaft was somewhere between 28-33 inches, depending on the model.
Does anyone know if the blueprints are available anywhere?

Jun 8, 2004
-na -NA Anywhere USA
In a private message to call Foss Foam/New Rudder who informed him rudders the same butyl shaft length is different. Since the shaft length is in question, I directed him to call Al or Mike at the forum store/parts who use to work at Hunter to see if they could answer the shaft length as they might have the records.