eSail Sailing Simulator

Aug 15, 2022
Catalina 22 14790 Redwood City, CA
Not Catalina 22 related per se, but This PC simulator is awesome. The training stuff is great and it's actually helping my thought process while i'm out in my boat. The more mental reps the better. I especially enjoy the mooring and anchoring stuff and it has chart navigation too. Check it out.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
It's come a long way since the early simulators. Do you have a link for the program? Cost? Platforms supported?
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
I actually found it on Steam. Not sure the price as I got a bundle of stuff
Oh, I would have to learn how to use Steam and then learn to sail? My gaming skill development was arrested when SimCity2 came out.


Jun 4, 2009
Pearson 530 Admiralty Bay, Bequia SVG
I guess it won't be too long before we have a new group of younger sailors who have done one or more nonstop, single handed circumnavigations, without leaving the comfort of their favorite easy chair. Heck, they should do it using celestial navigation, while they're at it.
And here I thought the best new product for us sailors was a water maker so one can have a nice, long, warm shower any time one wishes, at sea. Of course, if one is using a program, there would be no need for a shower, as not one hair would be out of place, even in the biggest gale.
For the last six decades I've been responding to those who asked, that the only way to become a good sailor is to sail a lot on a reasonably small sailboat, then a great deal more sailing. And even more, etc. My, how times have changed.
May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
For the last six decades I've been responding to those who asked, that the only way to become a good sailor is to sail a lot on a reasonably small sailboat, then a great deal more sailing.
:plus: (but not the six decades part!)
May 17, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 37 Havre de Grace
Maybe I’ll give it a try over the winter. I’m still looking for something as good as Posey Advanced Racing Simulator about 30 years ago. The graphics were about what you’d expect for an early 90’s floppy disk based game, but the tactics and sail trim were really pretty good. Since then I’ve tried a Stentec racing simulator and one on the Quest VR. The VR game had great potential being very immersive, but came up short on tactics and sail tuning. Wish it could be refined to live up to its potential - it’d be fun way to kill some time in the winters.