Epoxy with Teflon on auto hood

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Ron Barrow

I splashed two fairly small (1/4" diameter) drops of white epoxy paint on hood of wife's very new, very black car last spring when I was repainting the rudder in the garage. How did the stuff get way over there? I didn't see them for over a week after the application. They haven't just gone away, like I hoped. Any ideas for removal? I am thinking of painting them black. A real SAAB story. Ron

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
Try a Razor

Try a single edge razor at a low angle very gently to "shave" off the drip. That should get it to the point where sone white or light compound will gently remove the residual. Be careful, and if any issue, before doing anything rash, visit a good body shop. This happens all the time. RD
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