Engine size for 26X

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Mike Freeman

Engine size for MacGregor 26X. I am about to order a 26X for use here in UK and France and I need to make a decision on the size of engine. I am a sailor and not interested in towing water skiers. If I need to move quickly it is because bad weather is coming. In coastal waters this means wind of force 4 to 5 and short steep waves about 2 to 3 feet high. I’m told you can’t use the full power of a 50hp engine in these conditions. A 30hp, say would save on weight, initial cost and fuel costs. A 50hp Yamaha needs about 5000 revs to give full power. Can owners tell me how often they use these revs and what revs would be sensible in the sea conditions above? I’ve checked the forum archives and got some info but nothing much on the sea state factor. Then there is the choice of prop size. It all gets a bit complicated and this is maybe why most owners just fit the biggest engines and use lower revs. A UK owner tells me that only using low revs has given him some maintenance problems. Any advice from US owners, particularly coastal and Great Lakes sailors, would be very welcome

Fred Scott

50 HP is not needed in rough water

On my Mac 96 26X I have a 50 HP honda and find it very dependable and excellant mileage. I cruise with the water ballast in at all times. Mostly 3000-4000 RPM. Went in rough water I am usualy at 2500 RPM as it no sence in slambing the bottom as you come over a wave. Very hard on the boat. I changed the prop. from stock to the next size down on pitch. Can reach 5500 RPM but never go that fast. Why it is hard on the propellor as you are pushing to much water with a saiboat hull. I do a lot of 30 day cruising on the upper coast of British Columbia and the Honda has never let me down. Fred Scott Lady Vi


Just a note

If you are a sailor and not a power boater then you probably cruise around with your mast and rigging up. When rigged, you MUST have the water ballast in for safety. This makes the 26 act like a displacement hull and anything over 15 hp is wasted as you are limited by the max speed of the hull under displacement conditions. With 1400 lbs of water ballast in you're not going to get that hull to plane. The 50HP set up is for when you leave the rigging at home, have no ballast and want pure speed. If your rigged for sail, anything over 10 to 15 hp is wasted. This last 4th of July a mac 26 that was overloaded with people and had no water ballast on board turned turtle and drowned two small kids. This was in rather calm water and under light power. Most other Mac owners I have talked to agree that when rigged, fill the ballast tank, and don't overload. Hope this helps. Happy Sailing, Mike

Michael Shomate

26X + 50 HP Suzuki Fuel injected

I have a 26X with a new Suzuki 50 hp fuel injected motor. I am not sorry I bought 50hp, and the fuel injection 4 stroke is very quiet and fuel efficient. With the ballast in (which I do all the time) I can achieve aprox. 13 knots (I think the ability to exceed hull speed is derived from the unusual hull shape). The ride is a lot rougher than 6 knots, where I prefer. I can cruise at 6 knots all day and not feel that I am in any way straining the engine. The boat hull is very heavially constructed (especaially the ballast section) with webbing and thick sections in all critical areas. The boat performs very well under sail, with very forgiving characteristics. The cabin is roomy, and the cockpit is comfortable. Mike Shomate mshomate@bellsouth.net


High Elevation Operation

Here at 5000-6000' above sea level the Honda 50 loses 25% of its hp. With passengers, gear and no ballast I am not even APPROACHING planeing speeds. Sooooooo I gave up on the MUCH HYPED pulling your kids around BS, leave the ballast in for safety and cruise around 5-6 knots with the rudders down for better handling. The Honda is super reliable and uses little fuel at 2000 rpm. I doubt that low rpm cruising even phases this great motor. Oh yah.......saw a 90hp Merc on a 26X up here ! Now that's a SOLUTION ! happy motoring.......dan


Hey Fred !

What prop are you using. I need one for running at 6000' here in COLORADO. thx.....dan
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