Engine Mount Lag Screws

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Aug 8, 2007
- - Lake Champlain
Has any one had the lag screws strip out, due to vibration and age, on a Catalina 30, that hold the engine mounts and if so, how did you fix it. There are 2 that hold each mount and I have 1 that won't tighten. thanks Roy

Tim R.

May 27, 2004
Caliber 40 Long Range Cruiser Portland, Maine
How to fix

Make a template(generally I draw a cross over the existing hole extending out past where the new hole will be drilled) for where the hole is located, drill it out oversize, fill with thickened epoxy and redrill. You will probably need to lift the engine off the mount with a come along and a 4x4 across the companionway and use a right angle drill. Tim R.


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY

I replaced my mounts on my old boat, 3 of the lag screws broke just under the head. I used a hole saw and drilled them out. Then I cut with the same hole saw, plugs to fill the holes....used oak. Put epoxy in the hole then a plug, epoxy, then plug until it was filled. Then redrill and rethread. I would change all the lag bolts as you work on them as the ones I did get out (1977 vintage) were a mess. Good Luck Greg


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
If you are of a mind to plug the hole(s) with

wood a one inch hole saw will cut a one inch hole and a 1 1/8 hole saw will cut a tight plug for the hole. Since hole saws use a pilot drill you will have to be careful when you cut your holes so that the lag bolts land in the right places.
Jun 4, 2004
Hunter 333 Elk Rapids, MI
quick fix

I removed the bolt, filled the hole with epoxy and reinserted the bolt and let it harden up. Worked so far for 5 years.


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY
pilot hole

When I did mine, I cut and stacked several peices of wood, then put them in a vise. I used the pilot on the first peice and then removed it and drilled the rest of the plugs using the top peice as a template so no hole would be in the other pieces. Sacrificed on peice..........
Feb 2, 2006
Hunter Legend 35 Kingston
Epoxy ...

Did this for my 87 Legend 35 this spring ... I wanted to avoid moving the engine around, so I removed the offending bolts, injected epoxy into the holes with a syringe, ensuring that everything was coated (poking around the hole with a Q-tip). I then reinserted the bolts, and left them in place until the epoxy has just set firmly, and then I removed the bolts to let the epoxy cure properly. Epoxying the bolts fully in place is a recipe for permanent bolts!!! This is not as good a solution as moving the engine, and filling the holes with epoxy/filler and then redrilling, but I believe that it will suffice and I would expect it should last for years. Chris


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY

if you epoxy the screw in and let it cure while in as was said in a provious response, what happens when the mount fails and you have to remove/replace it?


Jun 15, 2004
Islander/Wayfairer 30 sail number 25 Perryville,Md.
NYSail, You may set bolts into wet epoxy

and remove them later if you just wipe a little wax or soap or oil or dust on them. Personally I prefer using some black locust for engine stringers.


Jan 6, 2006
Beneteau 423 Mt. Sinai, NY

for that tip Ross....now that I remember, I have heard that before.
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