Electric winch for mast raising

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Oct 6, 2008
Hunter H260 Keesler AFB Marina
Hey, can somebody post pictures on how they use an electric winch to raise the mast on a 260? I think I could figure it out, but there's smarter people out there than me...plus, I don't like paying for the same learning curve twice. Thanks.
Aug 9, 2005
Hunter 260 Sarasota,FL
I set mine up a few years ago when I had a free dock on the wrong side of a fixed bridge. I could safely step it from the bow while Kelli would navigate down the canal to get us to open water.

The winch I chose was a $49 harbor Freight 12v atv winch w/wired remote. It has a built in brake to safely stop at any point which is a must. The winch has plenty of power but will let you know if something is hung before it'd break a fitting. I powered it from a small jumpstart pack(smaller is easier to stow and more than enough for 4-5 lifts) that was also a nice backup power supply on-board.

I secured the winch to the anchor locker eye with a large eye bolt added to the winch base and then easily attached to the anchor eye with a threaded link(see pic). A small canvas bag contains the winch and cable nicely until its next use.

A few tips:
*Add retainers to the side stay T fittings to keep them aligned on the upper part of the mast(pic).
*Wedge a piece of foam/swim noodle on the port/starboard turnbuckle eyes at the rail to also keep them vertical.
***I added a quick release forestay closure at the bottom of the jib furler to tension the rig without over tightening the rig to get enough slack to place the pin. Now the release is open and I can easily get a pin in and fold it down which tensions the rig properly every time.

*I usually attached both the jib and spinnaker halyards to the gin pole for safety.
*You can remove a major amount of the cable from the winch to prevent back lash, just make sure to leave a few wraps on the drum at the longest normal extension and secure the tail on the drum.
*It seems that the slower I’d raise the mast while scanning for snagged lines the better it went.
*Stop just before placing final tension on the rig and give the rig a good shake to double check for any twisted gear and to set the turnbuckles and T fittings well.

If anything else comes to mind I’ll add it but just go slow and be safe.
It was a great addition to the boat if you step the mast often, have a tired back or if you just want to look cool at the ramp;). Here's a pic of Kelli stepping our old 240 mast in an earlier prototype of a similar setup using the same winch added to the trailer.

Good luck.



Oct 6, 2008
Hunter H260 Keesler AFB Marina

Thanks...I think the admiral is intrigued. You obviously have a different mast than I do. I've never had a problem with the upper shroud fittings, but what I have doesn't look like t-bolts I'll have to post pictures. The mid-shrouds are the only ones I can't replace because the fittings are riveted in place. It'll make more sense with pictures.

On the good side, we went sailing for the first time in over a year! Yipee. Everything worked well and my shroud replacement/mast tuning seemed to work just fine. I like the lever on the forestay. I hope to do some major upgrades next summer, and I think this will be one of them. Thanks again.
Aug 9, 2005
Hunter 260 Sarasota,FL
Deaucer, Happy to share what worked for me. Every boat is a new challenge between tweaks, maintenance and lost sailing time.

Each model year revision will have a number of variables so don't waste too much time scratching your head only to realize that you've missed even more sailing. Glad you got it back in the water for the best of the sailing season yet to come.

Don't count on your admiral to gleefully step the mast(does mine look happy?) just because you've spent endless hours making it easier;). The pic of kelli is about the only time she'd bother getting near the remote. She can run the boat but likes to refer to herself as the "snacktician", an admirable(forgive the pun) role which the crew cheers on. Our boat goes back in on 9/25 after 3-1/2mths out for refurb.

Have a great season, Mike and Kelli


Oct 6, 2008
Hunter H260 Keesler AFB Marina

I have to admit, the admiral is a real trooper when it comes to getting the boat in the water, once we commit to a day of sailing. That said, she like having the boat in the slip (as do I). Admiral Karen likes kelli's crew job description. My landlubber part time job is libation engineer.

Back on point, a rig like yours is definitely on on "do-to" list.

Steve and Karen
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