Ebooks, anyone read them?



I have attempted to read a few books on Adobe and it is just hard to curl up to a laptop. There is no way I could do it on my PC. I decided to see if there were any torrents for Ebooks on mininova and on just one torrent was the following Ebooks. I guess I can try and curl up to my laptop again. I guess I could also find the book I was interested in and print it, but that seems like a huge waste of an ink cartridge. Anybody actually read Ebooks, or do you think this will be something that just slowly dies out.

Author: Bowditch
Title: American Practical Navigator
Pages: 550

Title: Sailing World
Volumes: from nov-dec 2005 to jan-feb 2007
Pages: 100-120

Author: Bray, Devlin, Garden, O'Brien, White
Title: 100 Boat Designs Reviewed
Pages: 274

Title: America's Cup Boat Positions (before 2007)
Pages: 2

Author: Gibson
Title: Handbook of Knots and Splices
Pages: 152

Author: Harries, Abt, Hochkirch
Title: Hydrodynamic Modeling Of Sailing Yachts
Pages: 13

Author: Kemp
Title: Manual Of Yacht And Boat Sailing And Architecture
Pages: 331

Title: Plans For A Catamaram Sail-Boat
Pages: 10

Author: Larsson, Eliasson
Title: Principles of yacht design
Pages: 352

Author: Jaaback
Title: RYA Competent Crew and Yacht Skipper
Pages: 221

Author: Slocum
Title: Sailing Alone Around the World
Pages: 79

Title: Sailing And Trailering Guide
Pages: 6

Title: Sailing Directions Eastern Mediterranean
Pages: 262

Title: Sailing Directions Europe
Pages: 353

Title: Sailing Directions South Atlantic And Indian Ocean
Pages: 249

Author: Helvacioglu
Title: Sailing Yacht Performance - The Effects of Heel Angle and Leeway Angle on Resistance and Sideforce
Pages: 10

Author: Cassidy
Title: The Klutz Book of Knots
Pages: 24

Author: International Sailing Federation
Title: The racing rules of sailing 2005-2008
Pages: 174

Title: YCC Sailing course for beginners
Pages: 42


I've read plenty of ebooks.

Although ...

A laptop or worse, a PC is a difficult place to relax with a good novel.

However, I have read a few Clive Cussler novels on my Palm Pilot. Lots easier and in my opinion better than a paperback because you don't have to lug them around on the go. I use my Palm for a lot of things anyway so packing a few books on the Palm is a nice plus.

I have heard that with todays technology, the Palm Pilot will become extinct. Many reasons are that you can buy an iPhone and have the same capability plus a whole lot more. As for ebooks for the PC and Laptop, I dunno.

"Of books, they'll be no end."




I have been reading this forum quite a bit on my HTC Touch phone. It never occured to me to use it to read Ebooks. I will have to give it a go. It is an 8GB system so loading individual books on it should be no problem.... actually I should just pick up a SD card and load them onto that an slid it into the phone.


Glad to be of service

It's what's called 'Putting our heads together'. I believe mountains can be moved thataway!

Good reading!