East of Schoodic

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Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
In another forum thread on stupid and inconsiderate boaters I posted:

The stupidest and most inconsiderate boater I have ever seen east of Schoodic Point was myself. I can't wait to pass the bell and see the tall spire of Tit' Manan on the horizon. The lobstermen go home early so you can actually sit in your cockpit and watch the sun go down without hearing the sound of an internal combustion engine anywhere. I kept track last cruise and there was not a moment of the day until I was past the Chartkit world that I wasn't within earshot of an engine running.
Oct 1, 2007
Boston Whaler Super Sport Pt. Judith
I lived in Maine for six years on the Blue Hill peninsula and remember well the times on the water when you could hear absolutely nothing. Calm winds, no waves, no birds nearby. Nothing. Incredibly wonderful. and I also remember the far off sound of an engine, not unpleasant but there.
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