drop rudder...a bit. 1980 H33

Dec 24, 2011
Hunter 33C Chesapeake
1982 Hunter 33, shoal draft.


I just want a bit of advice before I jump in. I believe my rudder may have been pushed up towards the hull and now on occasion rubs. I think the cause is my new slip which I was backed into. I think at low water the rudder has been hitting/resting on the ground (Chesapeake / soft mud). I inspected the shaft and looking at the grease /witness marks on the shaft its plausible.

Could I losen the packing nut and collar and drive a wedge into the rudder / hull gap from below to slightly lower the rudder? Is that bronze collar and single bolt the only thing holing the rudder in? It doesn't seem like very much, why would they not use two bolts?? The packing nut is not stuck an I can loosen them.

This isn't my picture , its another member here. Same boat though.

Appreciate any feedback.

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
It may be simpler to alter the shape of the rudder, then to reconfigure the internal hardware.

When a friend had that happen to his boat, a diver slipped beneath the waves and preformed minor surgery on the rudder, where it was rubbing against the hull. A little sawing with a hacksaw and sanding to smooth the cut surface, and he was back in the action. Eventually he replaced the rudder due to a bend in the shaft, but that is another story.

The issue with the system holding your rudder shaft in place, is the "Bronze Collar". It is snug on the shaft. Bolted to grip the shaft, perhaps with a set screw, and a bolt through the shaft. It is a solid design. 2 bolts are not needed. Having to drill a second hole will only weaken the shaft.

Besides if this happened in your marina slip, if you push the rudder down what is to stop it from happening again and again. This is not a good series of events. It would be beneficial for you too dredge the slip or move to another that gives you adequare depth.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I can not assure you on your rudder, but normally when we repalce a rudder shaft to assure it stays on the boat, we set on the collar, torque the bolts that squeeze the collar around the shaft, then drill a hole through the collar and shaft slipping a bolt into the hole to prevent any slippage.
Dec 24, 2011
Hunter 33C Chesapeake
I appreciate your input. Having a hole in the shaft makes a lot of sense. It would also mean that it is impossible to slip or move under pressure. Some aggressive sandpaper may just solve my issue.

I moved slips so its not an issue now.

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SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Sandpaper works. Just be sure to do the rudder not the hull.:)