DOW 795 = What...?

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Sep 26, 2011
AMF Alcort Paceship PY26 Washburn Wi. Apostle Islands
Seems the recommended sealant for vinyl ports is Dow 795 which is a silicone "builders" sealant...

Must be a regional thing but I can't find Dow products around here anywhere...including builder supply, lumber yards as well as home supply and hdrw stores...

So does anyone know what an equivalent is in a "DAP" product or "GE" or "Red Devil"...?

There are only so many ways to mix a silicone "builders" caulk/sealant, so something must be compareable...

I'm thinking a preimum vinyl siding/trim caulk as opposed to a bath and sink caulk...??
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Anywhere ..........................

..................... this sealant is open and exposed to the elements, it has the characteristics of cast iron and granite. I've used it in rebedding several hatch lenses and nothing bothers it.

It is a very specialized product and of course "monopolized" by select building material dealers. Have you tried looking on the web for dealers in your area ?

It's definitely worth pursuing for its superior properties.


Sep 26, 2011
AMF Alcort Paceship PY26 Washburn Wi. Apostle Islands
Found it....Mc Master-Carr $8.95 a tube and next day delivery...!!!


Jan 15, 2011
Oday 272 Waukegan, IL, Sarasota, FL
I've used Dow Corning 795 on all of my windows and other Acrylic (not Lexan) parts, after Rudy at D&R highly recommended the stuff. Its available in Black, White and a number of different colors for home builders. Once cured, it's easy to clean up. Simply use an exacto knife to remove most of the excess 795, then use paint thinner to get down to the gelcoat. I highly recommed the stuff!


Feb 18, 2010
Bavaria Ocean 40 CC Forked River
Dow 795 is excellent stuff. I removed the acrylic lenses from a couple hatches, cleaned all the old sealant and re-bed with Dow 795. Water tight and handles weather and UV well. It has my vote.
Jan 24, 2005
Oday 222 Dighton, Ma.
Seems the recommended sealant for vinyl ports is Dow 795 which is a silicone "builders" sealant...

Must be a regional thing but I can't find Dow products around here anywhere...including builder supply, lumber yards as well as home supply and hdrw stores...

So does anyone know what an equivalent is in a "DAP" product or "GE" or "Red Devil"...?

There are only so many ways to mix a silicone "builders" caulk/sealant, so something must be compareable...

I'm thinking a preimum vinyl siding/trim caulk as opposed to a bath and sink caulk...??
I bought a tube of Dow Corning 795 off Rudy at D & R Marine years ago and it's still good to this day. I used it last year. Here's Rudy's site:


Sep 25, 2008
boatless rainbow Callao, VA
DOW will tell you that it has a "use by date" for a loses the mechanical/structural component....

Not something you would want to "save" on for a large boat window that is held in place - dependent on the strength of the bond...
Jun 8, 2004
Kirie-Elite Elite 37 Niceville, FL
If you have trouble sourcing the Dow product, GE has a similar professional glazing sealant (SG4000) I have used both the DOW and GE products and they have very similar characteristics. Lewmar used to recommend the DOW 795 for sealing their hatches, but a few years ago switched to the GE product.
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