Dow 795 cure time

Nov 26, 2008
Endeavour 42 Cruisin
Just started installing new fixed portlights using Dow 795.
Looked up cure times and I find 7 to 14 days cure time! Tack free in 3 hours.

I have some washers holding the glass in place under some pressure. These will be removed after the 795 adheres. After that there will be no mechanical fastening, only the 795. How long do I wait. Prefer not to wait 14 days.


Jan 26, 2005
C&C 110 Bay Shore, Long Island, NY
If you don't wait the recommended cure time before the boat starts flexing, you risk breaking the seal. Follow directions. They're there for a reason. Also, the cure temperature is another element to take into consideration especially this time of year in northern regions. When I did my fixed ports with Dow 795, I ran a small electric heater in my cabin for two weeks to make sure the temperature didn't fall below the recommended temperature during the night. It's amazing how warm the outside of the boat got too. Probably not safe so I'm not actually recommending that you do that. Just be aware of falling temps in the evening. You don't want to have to do this job more than once.
Feb 2, 2006
Hunter Legend 35 Kingston
I used 795 to adhere new fixed skylights on my Legend 35. I wanted to avoid the use of all fasteners. The cabin top has a slight curve to it, and required weights to keep the replacement in place with the correct curve. I also super glued some small spacers in place so the weights would not squish out too much 795. To have a seal that is resistant to flex and expansion/contraction issues, you need certain minimum thickness of 795.

I ended up leaving everything in place for a few days until I felt that it was solid enough to keep everything properly in place. I didn't wait 7 days and was worried that a joint might split and I'd have to do it all again, but it seems to have worked out well.

Aug 22, 2011
MacGregor Venture V224 Cheeseland
Did ours last year and eliminated all fasteners. - at the temps I did it at I think the recommendation was 21 days. Forced ourselves to wait it out. You really don't want your windows to pop off.


Sep 25, 2008
boatless rainbow Callao, VA
7-10 days of decent temps, 795 needs some moisture/humidity. I too used weights, dive weights to hold mine in place.

Patience will pay off in this case.