Does your Beneteau have a website ?

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Jun 3, 2004
- - Windsor, Ont. Canada
Group : How many of us have a website for their yacht ? With Beneteau in the habit of changing the models every 5-6 years, I thought it was worth doing & we have some good 361 information preserved there. In our case, I've set up our website to bring the dream of extended cruising a bit closer to reality. It's said that when you tell people you're going to do something, it's more likely to happen, and each winter I'm reminded that I've "GOT TO" get out of this horrible Canadian deep freeze !!! Anyone else ? Cheers, Paul.


331 site

Paul, I really enjoy your site. We also have a site for "Dragonfly." Our dream is right in line with yours. We have marked June 1, 2014 on our calendar. Ellie should graduate from college that May. We plan to move "Dragonfly from Mark Twain Lake to Lake Michigan, sail the Great Lakes that summer, head for the east coast for the fall, and spend the next 3-5 years cruising. We are working on a site for 331 and other B's in that size group - 311, 321, 323. We're looking for information from owners of these boats. If anyone would like to contribute pictures, ideas, or links, please let me know.
Jun 6, 2004
Beneteau 235 Wrightsville Beach, NC
Yep -

I have a pretty large site dedicated to the Beneteau First 235. Last month, I added some forums to the site as well. They have gotten pretty active with over 1000 posts in one month. Drop by and take a look. - Kelly
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