dock line caught in prop & engine wont start

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Aug 27, 2006
- - Chicago
OMC End of season got dock line caught in prop & some smoke in cabin. After sail engine wouldn't start. Where to start trouble shooting? Flywheel turns manually w/o resistance. Wont have access to yard til 15th so need to be ready with ideas. Didn't try manually starting cuz had surgery. TIA for thoughts.
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
Folks are going to need more info.. OMC ?? Saildrive? two stroke or four stroke ?? diesel or gasoline?? a couple of pictures would be fine.. Battery shot so won't crank or it did crank and not fire??
Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
The dock line around the prop is obvious and I figure you don't need help there. Smoke in the cabin resulting in no starter operation (don't know if she will start or not at this point if I'm reading into your post correctly) caused by a stalled prop.....???? nothing comes to mind. Assuming the two are related and one caused the other at this point.
Did you try and restart and get smoke or did the smoke happen while wrapping the prop with the dock line? If the former then you most assuredly have at least some fried wires as the starter engaged but could not turn the motor while in gear (prop shaft frozen by dock line?).
Did you try and start the engine with the transmission in gear or in neutral?
Apr 11, 2005
Bayfield 36 Rock Creek
If you got smoke in the cabin from the stalled prop (I'm assuming you have an inboard diesel?) the smoke may be from a burned out belt.

We need more info on what kind of motor you have (inboard / outboard, etc) to give you ideas.

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