Discover sailing at Pacific Sail Expo

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Sail America is pleased to announce that it will again present its Discover Sailing program at Pacific SAIL EXPO 2002. At select Sail America sailboat shows, Discover Sailing offers anyone the opportunity for a free demonstration ride on a sailboat and information on how to further one’s sailing education. At Pacific SAIL EXPO, the fleet will sail from the Discover Sailing dock, Jack London Square, Oakland. All you have to do is to show up at the dock. Discover Sailing caters to anyone with an interest in sailing. Scot West, Executive Director of Sail America states, “Sailing isn’t a complicated sport. Just about anyone can do it and enjoy it. All it takes is a little time on the water and a sense of what powers a sailboat. Sail America’s Discover Sailing program is free and enables anyone to spend hands-on time with sailing professionals experiencing the basic elements of sailing to see if they want to pursue the sport further. Our Discover Sailing professionals can direct beginners to sailings lessons, the quickest and easiest way to learn the sport of sailing. A good instructor can teach you the basics, in less than a week you can get the skills necessary to start sailing. And sailing lessons are no more expensive than lessons for tennis or golf.” Pacific SAIL EXPO’s Discover Sailing program will operate Thursday, 18th April from 1-6pm, and Friday – Sunday, April 19-21, from 11am-5pm. Discover Sailing is a program organized by Sail America, but made possible by the generous support of the countries top boat manufacturers. At Pacific SAIL EXPO, the Discover Sailing fleet will include five boats provided by Hunter Marine, Corsair Marine, and Jboats. In addition to the larger boats, Sailability will be supervising people who would like to take an introductory sail in the Access Dinghies. And, for the first time, Discover Sailing will offer the chance to sail the revolutionary new Wahoo. Pacific SAIL EXPO is the largest sail-only show held on the US West Coast and Pacific Rim and takes place in Oakland, California on April 17-21, 2002. Now in its sixth year, Pacific SAIL EXPO has continued to grow and attract sailors from all western states with some growing Pacific Rim participation. As the only national sailing industry show west of the Mississippi the show has become an important meeting place for the industry.

Art Barnes

Not every one can do it!

Nice marketing! Not every one can sail or learn how to do it. Maybe in ideal conditons, but not what I have experienced! Whatever you want to say to continue the sport is ok with me, but don't bull shit the public in the interest of selling more sailboats. I'm sure you are taking care of the boat brokers, but you won't convince a sailor that every body can sail. If so, come sail with me off the coast of the S. F. Bay and we will see just how easy it is for anyone to do it! Best Regards, Art Barnes

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
Anyone can sail

Perhaps some people couldn't handle what 'you have experienced,' and not everyone will skipper a boat in the Around Alone race, either. But that has nothing to do with the program discussed here, which lets people who are new to the hobby take a quick spin around the estuary. Good grief, eight year old kids are taught to run a boat around a local lake on a sunny day, and that is how the vast majority of sailors use their boats. If you want to feel special, heroic, and talented, start another thread to tell your tales of the high seas. But don't be telling newbies that they may not make the grade, at least, not on this web site.

Rick Webb

With Enough Bananas

One of my flight instructors told me after I repeatedly had some problems with a basic maneuver. "I could teach a monkey to fly with enough bananas, the only problem is getting them to fill out the log book correctly. Get you head out of you butt and just do it." Never had the same problem again and that was in three dimensions, so yeah anyone can learn to sail. But you might want some rum and a blender to go with those bananas.

John Visser


Almost anyone can sail a boat, or fly an airplane, drive a car, and so on. The not so easy part, that not everyone can do, is being able to deal with adversity and return everyone to shore safely. This includes weather emergencies, not to mention not heading out into bad weather, or fog; boat and system issues like flooding, electrical failure, rigging failure, comm. failure, engine failure; man overboard situaitons; fire; collisions with other vessels and submerged objects; navigation problems; providing assistance to other boaters; and so on. So yes, anyone can sail. Few can competently captain a vessel.

Phil Herring

Mar 25, 1997
- - Bainbridge Island
I don't disagree

And now, thanks to the miracle of decaf ;-), I can say in more reasonable terms that you all make good points. However, I still disagree with Art's statements. this is a hobby that can be enjoyed at many levels and degrees of difficulty. Not everyone will be excellent, but everyone can enjoy it. Besides, the more people who own boats the less expensive all our gear will be! ph.

Chris Gonzales


People do what they really want to do and accomplish what they really want to accomplish, including sailing. Many people don't sail because they simply don't want to. They are afraid of it or don't like the work or get seasick easily, etc. But that doesn't mean they couldn't. I am convinced sailing is a skill that is attainable at any level if a person wants to gain such. I agree with Phils comments and it is arrogant to make a statement like "not everybody can do what I do". I "can't" skydive simply because I won't. I "can't" fly a plane simply because I don't. I CAN accomplish what I wish to. And if it turns out that it is difficult for me to do or hard for me to learn then I just have to have enough desire to make it happen. If it is worth it, if we really want it, desire it, we will do it. Chris

Tim Schaaf

Anyone can learn!

Hopefully, each of us is a better sailor than we were when we started. And, hopefully, each of us will continue to improve. Sailing is like that....a bit different, every time we go out. That is part of its charm. It is easy to look at a beginner as a "no-hoper"......until you reflect on what your OWN abilities were, way back when. I honestly think that sailing improves anyone's existence. I have coached another major sport on both the intercollegiate and professional level, and it was fair to say that "not everyone could do it". In fact, lots of people could not. But, I have also taught sailing for a living, and I can only remember one student whom I seriously doubted had the ability. But, in the end, even she succeeded, and got much enjoyment out of doing so. By the way, this was in the SF Bay area, and outside the Gate. It is true, of course, that if one has not learned the fundamentals and the theory, sailing can seem pretty daunting and unfathomable, for oneself, and anyone else. But, you can correct that. Remember, the same thing that makes you go faster. also makes sailing easier, safer and more if your sailing is lacking in any of these things.....well....get help!
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