Delivery to the Caribbean

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Bob O'Brien

We are considering having our Hunter 37.5 delivered by a professional delivery captain to the Caribbean (USVI) from New England next Fall, during the short window between Hurricaine season and the winter gales. What can I expect in terms of cost? What are the typical arrangements with a delivery captain? Also, if you have any recommendations or references on a delivery captain that would be helpful.

Chris McLoughlin

Carib Delivery . . .

I have 2 captains I can reccomend, both based in CT. Captain Rick Hagen, Extensive delivery experience including the carribean. He can be reached at The other is Capt Ken Johnson of Johnson marines Services. I don't have Ken's number handy, but both he and Rick are based in Mystic CT. Chris McLoughlin s/v Tidesong

Dean Bachelor

compare costs?

Hey Bob, I'm not sure how much a captain costs but I checked into having my C30 hauled from northern Mich. to Daytona and it was only $3600.00(just for trailering). You may check into having it hauled to souther florida, and it may save some wear and tear on the boat, and it would be a good time to do a bunch of repairs while it is on the hard. Sounds like a great time down there though, I have chartered twice out of St.Thomas, it was great! Enjoy, Dean
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