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Nov 22, 2008
Endeavour 32 Portland, Maine
I suppose I could have made a post with this title every hour today but I'm pretty sure it's final.

One of the reasons for my somewhat negative response to this little bump in the road has been increasing back pain since my anchoring adventure. I thought all this rest would take care of it but it's going the other way. Parallel to this "What's wrong with the engine?" question has been an increasingly insistent "What the$^*&!~@$ is going on back there?" issue. More data on that has recently come in.

I've been holding one of those degenerative things at bay for years. It got dramatically better on this trip with all the flexing and strengthening of the muscles that support the spine but it is arthritis based so the physical stress may be increasing the joint deterioration and the negative process is finally edging past the positive one.

After consultation with a physical therapist friend and some Internet research, I'm going to have the boat hauled and stored and go back to Maine where I have a very good back guy, a sleep number bed, and someone who will bring me peeled grapes if they should be essential to the cure.

I only have catastrophic health insurance due to my income level and my failure to immigrate to a civilized nation when I had the chance. I want to be able to make the choice between fixing my engine and fixing my back if it comes to that.

Once I'm sure I'm back in shape where I can use the boat again, able to do some of the work myself, and the boatyards are not too busy to return my phone calls, I'll come back and figure out what to do next.

Sorry to have this whole tale end like this but cruising is just life in another form.
Dec 9, 2006
Oday 22 Hickory, NC
Roger, I missed the post on what happened to the engine. Could you fill me in please. And where is the boat now?
Thanks a ton.
Nov 15, 2011
Chappaquiddick 25 25' catboat Hyannis, MA
You're making the correct call. Not everything in life is a project with a predefined standard for completion. Have a good time back along God's coast.
Jun 28, 2005
Hunter H33 2004 Mumford Cove,CT & Block Island
Roger it is amazing how much less health care costs an individual in this uncivilized country, once you reach 65. As a retiree who has passed that milestone, I can only hope it continues and even spreads, so that individuals not covered by an employee plan, can face medical emergencies, without becoming destitute. Hold off on fixing your back, if you can, and buy an electric windlass.
May 24, 2004
CC 30 South Florida
A decision made is a load of your shoulders. Now you can start on a workable plan of laying the boat up and getting back home for a well deserved rest and recuperation. You will also have a chance to step back and look at the boat situation from perhaps a differents perspective and with more options. The trip has been a success, you went beyond your intended destination and everyone could tell you truly enjoyed yourself. This little episode is just part of the trip, another problem to be solved.
Nov 6, 2006
Hunter 34 Mandeville Louisiana
There .. Now the decision is made and you know where you are going.. The rest is detail.. Best to you, Roger .. hard to do sometimes, but enjoy it as it unfurls before you. Keep on posting !
May 23, 2007
Catalina Capri 22 Albany, Oregon

FWIW, I think you made the right decision. Dad & Jan stopped doing the ICW and changed over to a 5th wheel because Jan's back couldn't take the constant rocking motion. Get back Down East, take care of your back, then decide what to do after you've had a chance to catch your breath and decompress.
Nov 8, 2010
Ericson 29 Grand Lake, OK
Roger....................I , as i'm sure many others will agree, truly enjoy reading of your adventures. But as I read this I found myself thinking.............with his unique "spin" on life and his VERY skewed outlook (that's a compliment my friend, please don't take it any other way), his "land cruising" should be just as informative and entertaining. Continue to post and I'll look forward to the "lubber's life through a sailor's eyes". Get feeling better soon sir.
with MUCH respect, CaptJake


Jun 6, 2006
currently boatless wishing Harrington Harbor North, MD
Hey Roger
Life is a journey not a destination, as one chapter closes another opens. I'd say this has been an interesting chapter.

Bob J.

Apr 14, 2009
Sabre 28 NH
There is nothing like chronic back pain to help move things along, good decision Roger.
Sometimes life happens while we're busy making other plans. Best of luck!
Jan 22, 2008
Hunter 37 C sloop Punta Gorda FL
Without your health you have nothing. Good decision. All the best to you.
Apr 22, 2001
Hunter 420 Norfolk, VA
Cruising eventually takes it's toll on both man and beast.
Both wear down at some point, if used hard enough.
And, both need occasional down time for rest and repair.
You and Strider have been "rode hard and put up wet" for a long time.
We all admire the tenacity and endurance of you both, and hope that your much needed R & R brings you both back stronger than ever.

As the saying goes, ... "for every hour of time using your boat, you'll spend 5 hours maintaining it." ... If true, you two deserve alot of maintaining !
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