The issue of wanting to raise a boom is quite common for most (95%?) cruising sailors.
However this need, usually ~95% of the time, arises because simply that the boltroped dacron mainsail is not being correctly raised in the first place;
proper sail raising will cause the aft end of the boom to
rise several inches and with NO modification of the sail at all.
Unless a dacron mainsail is properly raised and the luff boltrope additionally 'stretched out' AFTER raising, the usual result is the aft end of the boom 'drooping' severely into the cockpit.
For the MacGregor series boats discussed, a 'properly'
raised and set mainsail will have the aft end of the boom positioned nearly 3"
higher than if you 'just raise' but do not properly and
additionally tension that luff boltrope .... properly 'stretching-out' the luff boltrope causes the leech to tighten and which 'raises' the boom end into proper position!!!!!!!
When the head of the sail is forcibly raised an
additional ~1 inch for every 10-11 ft. of luff length to 'stretch out' that boltrope, guess what happens to the leach and the clew position at the end of the boom ?????
Without setting and
properly raising a boltroped dacron mainsail ..... the boat will aggressively heel over on a beat, can be vulnerable to 'skidding' off to leewards, be much slower and 'cranky', and will probably have significant 'weather helm' unless you (wrongly) rake the mast well forward.
So, before you rip apart your mainsail and change its 'as raised, designed shape' I would suggest that you first consider to follow the directions in: (post #!) and properly stretch-out that luff boltrope AFTER raising the sail with additional halyard tension ... and which will cause that boom aft end to
raise 'considerably'.
Go to any lake, bay or any other sailing venue and simply observe ALL the drooping-into-the-cockpit-booms on 'cruising' sailboats - probably 99% of all cruising sailboats you see with 'drooping booms', will indicate that 'most' cruising folks simply are unaware how to 'properly' raise a cross-cut woven dacron mainsail !!!!!!!
If you MUST alter the sail for more boom clearance, I would suggest cutting a sharp triangular 'wedge' from the
un-cut tack and across the foot to a new higher clew position, with the apex of the triangle at the TACK and most of the depth of the cutaway increasingly from towards the leech section --- all to raise the aft end of the boom:
1. You will not disturb nor have to reinstall the tack cringle
2. You will not disturb the sailmakers (hand sewn) 'binding' of the boltrope to the sail/sleeve that sets the necessary 'preload' tension of the boltrope.
3. You will not (hardly) disturb the 'reinforcement patches' at the tack.
4. all the 'work' will be done toward the leech - new clew cringle or "D" ring, new foot edge seaming, etc. Just loft a straight line from the corner of the existing tack to the NEW clew position.
The problem with cutting the head and reshaping / tapering the leech at the top panels is that the sail may then, when fully raised, be 'too long' in the horizontal plane at the 'mid panels' and will cause the leech to be much longer than what can easily pass the backstay .... the sail'a leech will 'hang up' on the backstay in 'light' winds when tacking and gybing. Plus, you will undoubtedly have to cut away the sailmakers hand sewn boltrope binding to the 'luff sleeve' near the headboard ....and simply ruin the precise amount of boltrope 'preload' tension that the sailmaker 'designed' into that sail ..... leaving you with a VERY mis-shapen sail shape. A LOT of the sailing shape of that sail is dependent in how much 'preload' (purposeful shortening) of that boltrope was in relation to the sails 'unstretched' luff length.
99% of improper sail shape (including
'boom droop') is caused by improperly 'raising/setting the sail' ... by not additionally and properly 'stretching out' that luff boltrope with additional halyard tension, AFTER raising that sail.
Hope this helps. ;-)