Cutless Bearing Set Screws


Jul 17, 2020
Hunter 376 0 Washburn, WI on Lake Superior
Hi all,

Happy winter! It's 9F up here in Northern WI, but I'm already planning out the boating season...

I started the project of replacing our cutless (or cutlass, but I'm going with the less-er spelling today) bearing after winter haul out (we have a 1996 Hunter 376). The bearing had never been replaced and is pretty frozen in. As I attempted to remove the bronze set screws they stripped, so I ended up having to drill them out. I'll re-tap and put in new screws when I install the new bearing. However, I first need to source new screws...

My question: is there any harm in using stainless set screws vs. replacing with the original bronze? I know stainless can have issues when submerged, but we're in fresh water, so I think there is a lesser impact. That said, I also am not sure whether there is any potential for electrolysis/interaction for a stainless screw in the bronze prop strut.

IF bronze is preferred -- does anyone have a recommended source for a good quality unit? The few amazon options feel sketchy, a quick google search does not seem to come up with a lot of options.

Of course, i also know not all boats even have set screws, so maybe I'm safe just skipping them and not worrying about it...

Looking forward to thoughts and opinions.

Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
You can try McMaster-Carr for bronze set screws, they seem to have just about every fastener known to man.

If you do use SS, use Tef-Gel (Amazon Link) on the screws to prevent corrosion.


Jul 17, 2020
Hunter 376 0 Washburn, WI on Lake Superior
Oo, indeed -- McMaster-Carr has a ton of bronze/brass options. Thanks for the recommendation!

You can try McMaster-Carr for bronze set screws, they seem to have just about every fastener known to man.

If you do use SS, use Tef-Gel (Amazon Link) on the screws to prevent corrosion.
Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
Even though you are in freshwater, do not put brass below the water line. Bronze only or 316 SS.
Jan 4, 2013
Catalina 270 Rochester, NY
I don't remember what my set screws were made of. They were 1/4" x 20 that I bought at the marina. When installing them I covered them with Blue thread locker.
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
They screw into the prop strut and touch the bearing. I'd be more concerned about the strut/screw compatibility than the bearing. I'd go with stainless.
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
They screw into the prop strut and touch the bearing. I'd be more concerned about the strut/screw compatibility than the bearing. I'd go with stainless.
But the strut isn’t stainless.

I would use bronze if you can get them. Otherwise, as @LakeOntario270 said, coat them well with TefGel, Lanocote or maybe thread lock to keep them from becoming 1 with the strut.



Jul 17, 2020
Hunter 376 0 Washburn, WI on Lake Superior
Thanks all for the suggestions and info.
