Cuba bound

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Am planning on leaving from the West coast of Fl. at the beginning of June and sailing to Cuba with a friend. Since neither of us have been there before, I'm looking to this forum for any general advice/info from those who have made the trip there and back. All replies/advice/comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -Roland S/V Fraulein II

Kenneth Pfaff

Check out Cruising World

Check out the Cruising World Web site and the log of Ithaka. The former editor of the magazine just finish several months of cruising Cuba with her husband and their weekly log is on the site.

R. Young

Some caution required

In one of the current sailing magazine is an article re a trip to Cuba that ended in a sinking of their boat at the entrance to Hemingway harbor because of a "rogue" way pushing them onto a reef near the entrance. So make sure you have the proper charts and guides - The main caution I advise is to check your insurance and make sure its valid while in Cuba - because of the political situation - it may not be. In the past, there was some requirement to get some form of documentation from the CG (?) dependant on where you departed from - This if you "go by the book" Im not sure if this is still required - maybe others have more information. R. Young Hunter 37 Destiny
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