Crossing Lake Michigan East to West


Sep 6, 2022
Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 419 Milwaukee
Hey friends.
I am about to finish my trip from the Bahamas to Milwaukee.
Last challenge, is crossing the lake, solo. (40’ SO Jeanneau)
I will do a long day rather than overnight.

If you are familiar with Lake Michigan, what are your recommendations?
I was told, “cross anytime weather permit, don’t wait”.
To avoid wind against wave, what are the conditions I am looking for?
After strong winds, am I supposed to wait for a day or 2 for the waters to calm, like in the Gulf Stream?



Jul 17, 2020
Hunter 376 0 Washburn, WI on Lake Superior
To confirm, are you entering Lake Michigan via the Mackinac straights, final destination of Milwaukee?

I typically sail in Superior, but in 2021 my family and I made our way up the East shore of Lake Michigan while transporting our boat from St. Joseph back up to our home waters in the Apostle Islands (Lake Superior). We experienced a wide variety of weather along the way.

Before starting any leg I'd check the Open Waters forecast:

I like to play it safe, so if thunderstorms are predicted, even if it's a small chance in the afternoon, I wouldn't put myself out there.

Waves can build and die all in the same day. On our trip our Charlevoix to Mackinac leg started with dead calm waters (and fog), seas built a North wind of 20-30kts with waves 2-4 feet by the Grays Reef Light, then back to glass smooth water by the time we crossed under the bridge.

Mackinac bridge to Milwaukee is 200 miles if you did it in one shot. I'd do the following:

Mackinac to Manistique
Manistique to Washington Island
Washington Island to Algoma
Algoma to Manitowoc
Manitowoc to Milwaukee

You could leap frog one or two stops if you chose longer days.

The upside to "crossing" the lake up north will be that the longer lake length allows for a little better wave spacing if a South wind. if a West wind (which is also common) there are enough inlets to not get to as significant of wave height.

Then, with mostly west winds, you will in essence follow the lee shore for the rest of your trip.
