Connection VHF to GPS?

Dec 25, 2014
Catalina 27 Pasadena, Md
Recently purchased a Standard Horizon Matrix AIS/GPS GX2200 and trying to connect it to my Lowrance Elite 7 GPS. The electronics guy at the store said blue and green wires from the VHF but not sure which wires to connect to the GPS. Any help would be appreciated.
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Jan 22, 2008
Tartan 37 287 Pensacola, FL
Chartplotter BLUE to VHF Green
Chartplotter YELLOW to VHF Blue
Chartplotter GREEN to VHF White
Chartplotter ORANGE to VHF Yellow

This should work. Similar to my SH GX2150 but I didn't need the AIS output from the VHF to the chartplotter.
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
I would think...

Chart Yellow to VHF Blue
Chart Orange to VHF Gray
Chart Blue/Green/Shield tied together to VHF Green/Brown tied together

Unless I am reading this wrong.
Oct 24, 2010
Hunter 30 Everett, WA
I would think...

Chart Yellow to VHF Blue
Chart Orange to VHF Gray
Chart Blue/Green/Shield tied together to VHF Green/Brown tied together

Unless I am reading this wrong.
That's the way I'd connect it.



Jan 31, 2009
Macgregor & Endeavour 26S and 37 Utah's Canyon Country
Chartplotter BLUE to VHF Green
Chartplotter YELLOW to VHF Blue
Chartplotter GREEN to VHF White
Chartplotter ORANGE to VHF Yellow

This should work. Similar to my SH GX2150 but I didn't need the AIS output from the VHF to the chartplotter.
Since the 2200VHF has GPS location you only need to send the AIS info from the VHF to the Chartplotter.

As shown above use the :
Chartplotter GREEN to VHF White
Chartplotter ORANGE to VHF Yellow

Then also change the Chartplotter's baud rate to 38400.

I don't see any reason to send any other info between the two units, but maybe I'm missing something. I also have the GX2150. It doesn't have internal GPS so have to send that info from the chartplotter to the VHF and send the AIS from the VHF to the chartplotter as shown above,

1300 miles to The Bahamas and Back in the Mac...
Endeavour 37 Mods...

MacGregor 26-S Mods...
Mac Trips to Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Canada, Florida, Bahamas
Jun 11, 2011
Hunter 41 Lewes
I believe it needs to be wired for or set for the 38400 baud. Data speeds must match.
May 20, 2016
Catalina 36 MK1 94 Everett, WA
It goes OUT/TX+ to IN/RX+ and
If no negative wires marks go neg goes to ground.

I see no reason to have data flow from chart plotter to VHF so you need VHF out to plotter In

For AIS data your better off using the high speed connection over the 4800 connection. But only if your chartplotter can be configured at the higher speed. I know my SH has a config Page for Port speed. I suspect you plotter does to

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Apr 21, 2014
Hunter 356 Middle River, MD
Agree with Sumner, if your SH GX2200 is located in a location that receives GPS fine you only need to supply AIS information via 2 wires to your chart plotter.
I have the same SH GX2200 GPS/AIS unit and am in the process of sending the AIS feed to my Raymarine Axiom 9" chart plotter as an overlay. I needed to get a NMEA 0183 to Seatalk NG (NMEA2000) connector but am assured it will work. Asked the networking people and SH and they said if GPS is being received OK by GX2200 only 2 wires needed.
May 20, 2016
Catalina 36 MK1 94 Everett, WA
If you have poor GPS reception at the 2200 FIX IT!!! That is a safety system. In an Emergency you shouldn’t that to remember you need the chartplotter on to send a DSC emergency signal

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Aug 22, 2017
Hunter 26.5 West Palm Beach
I wired a 183 output from a Lowrance chartplotter to a DSC VHF that didn't have internal GPS on one of my boats. I think it only needed 2 wires. The guy at LOWRANCE tech support had all the info I needed, right off the top of his head. The call to them was 100% worthwhile & is the main reason why I have now standardized on Lowrance.

The 2200 you bought should have internal GPS & should not need the external data feed from your chartplotter, unless it is mounted in a place where GPS reception is blocked. I would try to get it to work on it's own. I would move the 2200 to a better location before I would wire in a data feed from another device. If you can't do that for some reason, I would call Lowrance tech support & ask them which wires are which. If that doesn't work for you, let me know & I'll pull my VHF out of the console & see which wires I have going where.

I just read the other responses. It sounds like you already got a bunch of good info.
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Apr 1, 2018
Hunter 41AC 1 Charleston
Know this is a bit of an older thread but looking to buy the Standard Horizon Matrix AIS/GPS GX2200 and hook it up to my c80 chart plotter. Looking for a simple solution to address Fog, Shipping and VHF redundancy. Has anyone done this and if your a Hunter 41 ac owner more details the better
- what other hardware is required to connect it to the Backbone
- how well does it work on the chart plotter
- now difficult is it to install.
Dec 25, 2014
Catalina 27 Pasadena, Md
It has been almost a year, but I think I followed what Sumner gave above with 2 wires. Hardest part was getting the wires up the binacle to the chart plotter. Function works great and AIS shows up on the CP fine. I have the radio mounted in the cabin, so also ran one of their wired remote mics out to the wheel area.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Hey hey Tucker. Did you upgrade to the Hunter 41AC? Pictures man.
The SH GX2200 is a good radio. Installed mine about 18 months ago. Love it. Easy install. GPS is internal. Sounds like you want it to tell your plotter where the AIS targets are.

Regarding install... Here is a screen shot from the C80 display manual. You might want to identify the type of seatalk system you have.. but it looks like you need an RS232 interface box to get the radio's NMEA 0183 signal data out to the Raymarine Seatalk backbone you have. (That is an assumption as you are using an 80C MFD)

From the HS GX2200 manual:
The GX2200 uses NMEA 0183 protocol to share coordinates, DSC and AIS
information to and from a GPS chart plotter. The GX2200 transfers AIS infor-
mation to a GPS chart plotter or PC at 38400 baud (sometimes called HS).
GPS and DSC information is transferred between a GPS chart plotter with
multiple ports (minimum 2) at 4800 baud (default setting).
To connect to a GPS chart plotter which has one NMEA port, the GX2200
may be setup to receive GPS coordinates, send DSC and AIS signals at
38400 baud. Refer to section "10.6 NMEA DATA IN/OUT" for details.

Check out pages 17 through 25 of the manual for the correct wiring.​
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May 20, 2016
Catalina 36 MK1 94 Everett, WA
@Tucker67 the GX2200 is NMEA 0183 only so you can’t directly connect to a “backbone” (N2K) type network. Most CP’s have a 183 In/Rx connection that will get your position and AIS data to the CP. There are converters that will convert 183 to SeaTalkNG (NEMA2000) for your C80 if you don’t want to run more wires to the cp and you have a SeaTalkNG/N2K network slready