Compression Block for sale on Catalina Direct?

Oct 15, 2018
Catalina 30 Baltimore, MD

I swear I read that the compression block replacement kit (block of white oak) was available for sale on Catalina Direct. However, I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I also thought that they had a write up on how to replace it.
Am I just dreaming this, or was it available and now it's not?
Any help would be appreciated, as I need to make this repair soon.

Jul 6, 2013
Catalina 30TR, Atomic 4 2480 Milwaukee

I swear I read that the compression block replacement kit (block of white oak) was available for sale on Catalina Direct. However, I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I also thought that they had a write up on how to replace it.
Am I just dreaming this, or was it available and now it's not?
Any help would be appreciated, as I need to make this repair soon.

I would suggest calling CD for guidance. They have knowledgeable support.