Compass question

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Jon Bastien

Hello all, I'm curious: What does the term 'fluxgate' mean when used to describe a compass? --Jon Bastien H23 '2 Sheets to the Wind'


Fluxgate compass theory

A Fluxgate Compass is an electronic compass. The heart of the compass is an arrangement of saturable reactors sometimes 4 at different angles. An oscillator signal excites the saturable reactors. The earths magnetic field (flux) mutual coupling intersects each saturable reactor (gate) differently as they are at different angles to it. The differences in current are resolved by a simple circuit and displayed as compass heading.

Ron Mehringer

Fluxgate Compass

Well Wayne definitely knows his way around a fluxgate compass. I know I just learned some stuff. In terms of features, fluxgates are usually easy to adjust to compensate for nearby magnetic material. Push a button, navigate the boat or car 360 degrees and hit the button again, done. Also, the display and sensing units don't necessarily have to be in the same place. Ron M s/v Hydro-Therapy

Paul Akers

Great explanation

I never knew the theory behind a fluxgate - Thanks. But I once set mine haywire while motoring on the Autohelm. While transmitting over my handheld, I leaned over the A/H controls and got too close to them. The boat suddenly took a 90 degree turn to port. I guess the transmission mixed up the electronic compass and it developed a mind of its own.

Stephen Ostrander

another compass question

I tried to use my Navico WP and it wouldn't hold a course, it zig-zagged all over the place. Does this mean that the fluxgate is too close to my nav compass, or steering wheel, or something?


auto pilots

Hi Stephen I just last weekend installed a navico wp. and in the instructions for set up it showed a diagram under the section for gain adjustments. I understand that the gain adjustment will control how fast the unit will react and maintain course

Ron Johnson

Fine Tune

Wayne, Autopilots come with factory (default) setting. Fine tune the response per the manual and you will achieve the desired response.

Joe R

Self Adjusting

Your Navico should automatically "calm" down as you sail for awhile. It should rcognize the over correction problem and desensitise on its own after 10 min of zig zag. Or you can manually turn down the gain. As described in the good old owners manual. (I hate to read first. I usually just jump in and then wonder why I'm having problems)


Another compass question response

If the adjustment does not seem to work, check all your electriacl connections..... I had the same situation and discovered that one of the connections was loose, making intermittent contacts causing the 'all over the place' steering.
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