Companionway Hatch Lock?

Jun 10, 2013
S2 Yachts 7.3 Milwaukee
I just bought a 7.3 and am looking to install a lock on the companionway hatch. Has anyone else done this? What the best way to do it? Any special tips given the unique material used for the hatch? Thanks!


Sep 22, 2006
Catalina, Luger C-27, Adventure 30 Marina del Rey
I'm happy with the way this turned out. The hasp stays with the hatch board so there is nothing to hit your head on when entering the cabin. I could have used a regular hasp and padlock but I was always losing the darn thing. It kept hiding out with the swim noodles.



Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 27 Mission Bay, San Diego
Ditto on Caguy's post.... the hasp part is fixed to the top board. I have a padlock on mine... incase I lose the key I can use the marina's big ass bolt cutter to remove it without damaging the precious hatchboard.

In some instances you might feel the need to lock yourself in... or lock the board in place so they won't fall out in rough weather... so one solution is a series of sliding bolt latches... for the top sliding hatch, and for each hatch board.. If I were going offshore I would want to be able to lock the hatchboards in case of a knockdown......
Sep 17, 2017
Pearson 28-2 washington nc
I mortised in a brass cabinet lock, into the top edge of the top c'way drop board. Its latching part goes into a mortise cut into the lower edge of the acrylic c'way slide.
Kind of amazing how a poster asks a question about a specific boat and others reply about some other boat. Sometimes helpful but in this case definitely not.
Oct 3, 2011
Anam Cara Catalina 310 Hull #155 155 Lake Erie/Catawba Island
Just a thought, instead of a key lock and bolt cutters as an access in case of lost key, how about a combination lock?
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
Just a thought, instead of a key lock and bolt cutters as an access in case of lost key, how about a combination lock?
That's our go to setup. One less thing to lose or forget at home.
Now there are Bluetooth and fingerprint activated padlocks!
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Feb 11, 2017
Gulfstar 1979 Gulfstar 37 BELFAST
Justin, what happens if the lock runs out of power?
Jul 7, 2004
Hunter 30T Cheney, KS
That's a real concern. They say they come with a cable to give it enough power to open it. Maybe it attaches to your smartphone or a battery pack or something. Tons of them on Amazon.

Ward H

Nov 7, 2011
Catalina 30 Mk II Cedar Creek, Bayville NJ
Resettable combination lock works well for us. Master Lock 175LHSS has a 2” shackle, brass body with SS shackle. Pricey but ours has been in the salt air for about 5 years and still going strong.
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