Companion Way Door

Jun 4, 2010
Catalina Capri 22 Cincinnati
Our 2006 Capri 22 had a one piece Starboard Companion Way Door Panel, which I hated with a passion! The problem was two fold, first it was very heavy to lift and secondly it was to big and balky to fit anywhere! The solution was easy, go back to the old style wood panels. I made our from Sapele wood and used three panel to fill the space. The construction uses Bread Board joints on the ends to prevent warping and Shiplap joints between the boards to prevent water leaks. I store them in a custom Sunbella pouch (three compartments) so they don't get damaged. I think I am going to mount the pouch, in the cockpit's foot well, using velcro strips. This way the pouch will be located conveniently for use! Also illustrated in the picture are the new Navy Blue Halyard Bags I had made out of the same material as the original bags.


Jul 3, 2013
CP22 #1258 also has a solid one piece companion way "door".

Like yourself, I do not enjoy the weight of the thing, plus, being one big piece is harder to store while sailing then a two- or three-piece solution.

A one piece MAY provide a better closure than a multi-piece; I have had multi-piece companion way closures to leak a little bit.
Maybe the answer is three piece during the sailing season and the one piece during winter storage (boats are mostly stored afloat around here during the Winter).

I have often looked at the three pieces at Catalina Direct: ... lastic.cfm

This might be the year I do something about replacing that heavy piece.

Your solution looks very nice!
Mar 11, 2014
Very nice solution. Looks great. Not sure I'd want to go back to caring for the wood... Has any one tried simply storing the one piece under aft side of the cabin cushion. Sure its heavy, but it stays put even when we're healed way over. Has any one ever tried to make a multi piece out of the one piece by slicing it on an angle with a table saw? I'd think this would stop the wood maintenance from creeping back and still provide the ease of use of the multi piece hatch board.
Jan 22, 2008
Catalina 310 278 Lyndeborough NH
My Capri 2 has a simple one-piece plywood companionway. It is simple, light, and relatively easy to store. It was painted when I got it. It needs to be repainted again.

My O'Day 19 has the panel in two sections. It works too. Even easier to store while sailing.